Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Rising Concerns.

The hammer has fallen on the Government Agencies responsible for Fiji elections.

The legal question should be pursued by Fiji Human Rights Commission, regarding the barred election right for Fiji citizens overseas who carry the passport. Overseas observers have been organizing their aresa of operations.The S.D.L Line-up for Kadavu, Tailevu and Lomaiviti provincial seat is also receiving a lot of scrutiny from grass root council.

The Macuata Paramount Chief get a stern reminder where his traditional jurisdictions lay. Interesting free-speech advances underlying the social mile-stone in democracy in Fiji. No longer will the village community take voting rights for granted.

The party formely known as C.A.M.V is attemping to revive it's principle under different banner. Which only leads to further confusion among voters in Fiji and adding to the frustrations of Fiji Election Office.

The use of official assets is being defended by the Prime Minister must also be straightened by legal review, in view of the recent complaints of the Army's Truth campaign.

Fiji Reserve Bank warnings of dire financial horizons is a reflection of the current policies and mentality within the Government departments.

Provocative letter to Fiji Times Editor on the role of chiefs in Fiji.

Elected chiefs

I WHOLEHEARTEDLY support the call by Senator Dr Ratu Epeli Nailatikau that chiefs should now be democratically elected.

The qualities of modern chiefs should necessarily be in line, and continue to be in the future, with the progress of civilisation in modern day activities.

In decision making, modern day chiefs must be familiar and consciously understand the current trends in world economic and social shifts and changes. Our beautiful earth is a dynamic world and changes are taking place all the time, everywhere and to everything.

Forward we march together with our spearhead formation and sharpness, sorting out and solving our problems, as we face dynamic times ahead.

Senator Dr Ratu Epeli Nailatikau is a very good example of a dynamic gentleman and a good leader. He observes and sees the role of traditional chiefs as gradually becoming obsolete.

Jake Tulele

Club Em Designs

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