Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Dual Burners of Dis-information.

The conflict emerging from the Rewa Provincial Seat only highlights the legal quandry which the Paramount chief and the
Provincial Council find themselves. In addition to the dichotomy between democracy and Turaganism.

Fiji Prime Minister is in criminal hotwater for giving a racial barrier for the job as a political talking point, that exposes his hollow multiracial platform.

Fiji Election Office now reverses their posture on the timing and demonstrates the flawed justifications that accompany the original decision.

The water policies discussed in Fiji must be take into account the water rights of the native landowners.

Pay to advertise

Of course the Prime Minister considers it is perfectly legitimate to use taxpayers' money to advertise or promote his party and the few good things they have achieved.

After all he has spent more of the taxpayers money on advertising spin doctors/ media consultants/ professional speechwriters than any previous political leader in Fiji and has gotten away with it.

No one has questioned the total cost to the taxpayer. And what does it matter since the SDL has proven itself incapable of operating within their annual budget anyway.

Does anyone suggest how much better these advertising funds could have been spent on scholarships or leadership training?

Has anyone pointed out to the Prime Minister that a good leader or a good government's achievements speak for themselves and they have no need for costly media consultants and advertising?

Obviously not.

Rick Rickman

Club Em Designs

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