Grubsheet recent post "A Poisoned Chalice" highlighted the seemingly abrupt resignation of former Chair to the Electoral Commission, Mr. Suresh Chandra.
While Grubsheeet does delve into the process of selecting a replacement;
todays edition of the Fiji Sun, buried the story on Page 8, below the fold.
The article with the byline:Fonua Talei, didn't bother with actually naming the lawyer who misused the $2M Trust fund. However, the Fiji Sun liberally named a litany of other lawyers of note; as if the unamed lawyer was joining a prestigious club.
Grubsheet post titled "A Puppet Head of State" does raise pertinent and valid questions
concerning the contents of a Inauguration speech by a head of state; notwithstanding the accurate reflection of the current media landscape in Fiji. The muzzling of the Fiji media and self censorship on important stories in Fiji; doesn't bode well for the nation in the lead up to the 2022 Elections.