Saturday, August 07, 2021

The Miscontrol of the COVID-19 Narrative in Fiji and Elsewhere.

Fiji's Minister of Health came out swinging earlier this week and in a FBC article castigated the media industry for allowing some Doctors to publicly comment on the much hyped vaccination drive in Fiji. The Minister essentially called for a tyrannical styled censorship of any person not following the 'party line' on vaccination and its effects: short, medium and long term on human health.

Minister Waqanibete was forced to condemn comments made by two doctors (without specifically naming them) that have considerable following on social media and have spoken out against the COVID19 vaccination.

One such person that fits the description alluded to by Minister Waqanibete, would be his former work mate, Dr. Jone Hawea, a skilled surgeon who also has a significant media presence and attracted much more recently when he publicly spoke out against the Fiji Government nascent regulations of "No Jab, No Job".

Dr. Hawea continues to appear in The Fiji Times, highlighting significant shortcomings and misrepresentations, as a recent article about the transmission of COVID19, Dr. Havea outlined that according to a study, it shows that vaccinated people are capable of spreading the virus, as much as unvacinated persons, citing a CDC study in Massachusetts. 

Dr. Havea's remarks, rang alarm bells, much to the trepidation to those Health bureaucrats located at Dinem House, Amy street, Toorak, as the CDC study contradicted and undermined the very objectives of "No Jab, No Job" regulations im Fiji.

These sentiments of speaking truth to power, demonstrated by Dr. Havea have won many admirers among the silent majority in Fiji, cognizant of cold hard facts steeped in Science, which has long been obfuscated in the political discourse in Fiji, particularly surrounding the due diligence of consultation and informed consent; priort to vaccination.

It's no secret that many Medical Professionals in Fiji are scared of speaking out. Dr. Hawea's truth telling persona is similar to American Frontline Doctors and New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.

 There is much to be thankful from these Doctors who have courageously stood by their moral ethics and their Hippocratic oath. It's also a lesson in integrity that the Medical Bureaucracy at W.H.O and Fiji have sold for 30 pieces of Silver.

Undoubtedly, there is a groundswell support of people who are united in their opposition to Government overreach into mandating COVID-19 vaccination and other authoritarian and despotic control of people's lives.

 There is a Zeitgeist of public frustration and a gnawing rage in the fabric of society, angry at their Governments who appear to be doing the bidding of a hidden group of people. France has been protesting the proposed vaccination passport and there are more countries joining.

The global COVID 19 vaccination drive appears to be a carefully, coordinated and crafted campaign that has been designed by World Health Organization (WHO) and it's compatriot organisation, Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization (GAVI) which also based in Geneva, Switzerland.
The information war on COVID-19 is examined, through the lens of Propaganda, outlined in Asia Pacific Today posted below.

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