Friday, August 11, 2006

Chiefly Disputes in Fiji.

Malake island, off the coast of Rakiraki, Ra.

The dispute of the chiefly title: Tui Labasa has erupted in violence. Lately there have been an increase in chiefly disputes in Fiji, underlining the disconnect brought about by the cadence of greed, power and status.

Wikipedia outlines the hierachy of chiefly households in Fiji.

Native Lands Commission(N.L.C), the polyannic entity involved in naming chiefly successors, have also come under fire for their inaccuracy. It also appears that some of the recent rulings postured by N.L.C, created this volatile climate of distrust among villagers.

Another chiefly dispute for the Ra paramount chief(Tui Navitilevu) reveals the carnard in the N.L.C ruling which, pandered on hear-say of blood-lines. Whilst ignoring the details documented within the official registry of native Fijians known as the Vola-ni-Kawa-Bula.
Presently, the disputing party of the Ra chiefly position have taken the matter to High Court.

read more | digg story


  1. There needs to be a revision of information at NLC because if they are relying upon lists of groups and villages subject to chiefs in 1890 or thereabouts, they are using obsolete information. I'm not getting into who should be a chief or not, just the facts. I have seen the lists of chiefs on the internet and many of the villages are no longer there, new villages have developed and the situation today is different.
    The appointment of a chief ought to be to choose the 'best' and most suitable person, irrespective of entitlement according to obsolete information.

  2. I concur. What does Peceli think of the tikinas in Macuata and what has changed?
