Fiji's Minister for Justice has a bad tendency to mis-interpret Fiji's constitution for his own agenda.
Clearly as set out in Fiji's 1997 constitution Bill of Rights which the Fiji Government is accountable to. Not legal 'hearsay' from the crooked Attorney General of Fiji.
A quote from the Bill of Rights Article#27 is as follows:
Arrested or detained persons
27. -(1) Every person who is arrested or detained has the right:
(a) to be informed promptly in a language that he or she understands of the reason for his or her arrest or detention and of the nature of any charge that may be brought;
(b) to be promptly released if not charged;
(c) to consult with a legal practitioner of his or her choice in private in the place where he or she is detained, to be informed of that right promptly and, if he or she does not have sufficient means to engage a legal practitioner and the interests of justice require legal representation to be available, to be given the services of a legal practitioner under a scheme for legal aid;
(d) to be given the opportunity to communicate with, and to be visited by:
(i) his or her spouse, partner or next-of-kin; and
(ii) a religious counsellor or social worker;
(e) to challenge the lawfulness of his or her detention before a court of law and to be released if the detention is unlawful; and
(f) to be treated with humanity and with respect for his or her inherent dignity.
Stuck in Fiji Mud is adamant that any impingement of these rights by the State is Un-constitutional.
Article #28 Subsection(d) titled: "Rights of Charged Persons" further pursues the legal aid framework.
(d) to defend himself or herself in person or to be represented, at his or her own expense, by a legal practitioner of his or her choice or, if the interests of justice so require, to be given the services of a legal practitioner under a scheme for legal aid.

Fiji Army Commander has stepped up his verbal attacks on the layer of old farts within Fiji Government who are manipulating democracy for their own twisted agendas.
C.E.O of Public Enterprise Unit must get on with the objectives of reform in the top-heavy Public Service Commission and refrain from excessive public relations exercise and the worn excuses.
Fiji's trade negotiations is also facing a bleak future.
Maybe it's an indication that too much diplomatic negotiations without creating new products for Fiji's export market is a flawed strategy created by un-pragmatic officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Fiji Electoral Commission's call for a change in Political boundaries is a welcome move that requires a lot of scrutiny and transparency by all stakeholders in Fiji.

Club Em Designs
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