Mssr Jioji Kotobalavu's pathetic performance in Fiji P.M's office demostrates that he is way past his use-by-date. Keeping a relic like him on a team that makes major decisions creates a hinderence to creative progress in Fiji. Mssr Poseci Bune of Fiji Labour Party demolishes Qarase's lip-service with exceptional counter points that Fiji voters need. Bune calls for a new paradigm in Fiji's current obsolete import and export policy framework. Leave the mudslinging to the desperate nationalists and agitators. Even a Taukei Academic warns that the S.D.L/C.A.M.V's policies are detrimental to Fiji's health. How many warnings by financial academics does Fiji Government need to change the existing structural inefficiencies. I tell you why. This is the poster child for colonial era old farts and his petty squabbles reveals his true character.
Corruption culture has inflitrated corporate Fiji.
The Fat cats in Fiji's only superannuation fund (F.N.P.F) are
seething at comments made by U.S.P's finance Professor on the fund's underhand dealings. This style is a template of cronyism soaked executive, Mssr Lionel Yee. His tentacles of influence reach into the many state enterprises in Fiji. Mssr Yee should be the whippy boy of conflict of interest ethics penalties which are selectively avoided in Fiji Inc.

Charles Dicken's opening line of his novel "A Tale of two Cities" that was set in the industrial revolution age sums it up.

It was the best of times and it was the worst of times. This duality has influenced the guardians of justice in Fiji.
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