The abuse of authority in Fiji, is spreading like the plague.
When there are no funds provided by Fiji Government for their stately responsibilities, as they swore to uphold. Social programs like legal assistance and poverty welfare for citizens are not met. As usual there is more money available to foot the bill of visiting foreign dignataries but not citizens.
That is the crappy degree of excellence in double standards
and ass kissing that is so prevalent in Fiji governance, at the expense of everyone else.
Some idiotic recycled politician is actively involved in racial inspired attacks on religous buildings of worship in Fiji.
Commisioner Hughes have them drawn and quartered.
I suspect the Politician involved, whose last name begins with the letter: "T".
This despotic institution called N.L.T.B has no ounce of honesty left and they want more. The organization
has sidelined the commoner's interest for too long. Why does Fiji Government listen to their proposals, instead of the real landowners?They are the catalyst for the landowner's resentment, which has been skillfully deflected to the Indian population of Fiji by the same institution with the assistance of stupid chiefs and politicians. Think about it, Fiji has managed 3 coups in 18 years.
N.L.T.B and the other instruments of abuse are the common denominator during the same time period.
University of the South Pacific is educating the indigenous guardians of traditional fishing grounds in Fiji on environment sustainability.
Why stop there U.S.P?
Please educate Fiji land owning units on financial sustainability using their god-given resources.
That particular type of knowledge empowerment programs must be done on a wide-spread scale in Fiji, using the educated Fijians in urban areas. Give them tax incentives to undertake this task Fiji Government!
The future of Fiji can realistically move from this,

To this.

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