Sunday, July 24, 2005

Lowering of Standards by the Prime Minister's office in Fiji.

The 14 provinces of Fiji whose members are all unelected, blindly support this R.T.U Bill. Obviously they are gravely mistaken, if Qarase thinks the provinces speak for all Fijians.
Splitting people into different camps of opposers and supporters. This divisive Bill has also pitted family against family, upsetting the cultural equilibrium within Fiji. It hijacks the essence of Fijian culture for the unlawful removal of democratic leaders and in the process undermines the existing traditional authorities of paramount chiefs.

The agurement by Bill supporters that, to remove the R.T.U Bill is denying democracy is such a pathetic application of democracy. It is selective "Mickey Mouse" Democracy. On one hand, Qarase claims that this Bill follows traditional protocol. However he glosses over the fact, that taking the 2000 Coup effectively removed his traditional paramount chief (the late president, Ratu K. Mara) from power.

Basically, on both counts, Qarase's justification fails the consistency and morality test and his arrogant actions flows against the grain of Viti culture, that is respect for their chiefs. The type of muddy rhetoric, that Fiji media are not pinning Qarase for his inconsistencies. Well I am doing precisely that!

Fiji Government's confused duality status makes a mockery of transparancy, the very key-words that punctuate numerous Government press releases. Actions speak louder than words!

So the Fiji Government continues to be a gate keeper
of information in Fiji,
hindering democratic processes, like freedom of association. Reader beware! These are exactly the type of individuals that clog up of the system of change in Fiji.
Chaining people to ignorance and poverty, for their own gain. Someone please remind the ignorant Commissioner Central of the 'freedom of association' IS guaranteed under Fiji's 1997 constitution. These same 'old farts' want to change the constitution, under the guise of reconciliation. Even though changes in
are being implemented. The wrong priority is used to identify archaic laws in Fiji. Further to that, the lack of Fiji Government's perpetual funding to these programs is another Archilles heel.

TO: Fiji Prime Minster, L. Qarase.
FROM: Stuck in Fiji Mud.
SUBJECT: Standard of writing from Prime Minister's office is a deviation from societal norms, like the R.T.U Bill.

The so called disucussion paper written by L.Qarase and his staff and published on Fiji Government website exemplifies, below par standard of writing.

a.)The document is NOT a paper, as they claim; because it lacks any reputable reference system normally used in publishing documents from any Government office, regardless of country.

b.) The document lacks a bibliography, a table of contents, an abstract statement or a concluding one. The document does not attempt to academically prove anything. It only gives one side of the story, which categorically defines the document as a SPEECH. It does not educate people on the legal or religous justifications, that many people keep hearing from Qarase et all.

c.) The statistics quoted by L.Qarase cannot be substantiated without a reference. For all the readers know, those numbers or events quoted in the document could have been randomly selected to 'sex-up' the contents.

d.) The words used in the document are far below the vocabulary expected of a reasonably educated person. It is also quite basic for such an important issue for Fiji, as Qarase claims it is. Poor quality for something that crucial, sums up their rationale. Or lack of it!

e.) The degree of excellence in the writing, expected at the Prime Minster's office level; indicates the quality of the staff within it. Any bonafide graduate of a liberal arts program would have identified and rectified those elementary mistakes, at the draft reading stage. Failing to appear on anyone's radar screen can only signify the absence of any reasonable work-ethic, of staff in the Prime Minister's office.

The entire document is clearly an ill-conceived piece of writing, designed for dubious politicial purposes. It was created in a highly flawed manner and the errors in the writing is another embarrasment to the calibre and services provided by the entire Fiji civil service.
One of these errors appears on the pseudo-title page and demonstrates the hunger for
power by the writer(s). The correct title for Prime Minister used in Commonwealth nations: " The Honorable Prime Minister, Minister of .....(department name)....( then the incumbent's name).."
This is the original title as appeared in the posted document: " The honorable Laisenia Qarase, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Fijian Affairs..."

The writer(s) of this document, are people who parade around in the Government buildings in their cheap suits, neglecting the quality of their work. Judging from the mistakes within this document, it can be concluded that the writing calibre cannot be distinguished from similar results rendered by high school drop-outs.

Generally the document is nothing more than, a disapointingly 'lowering of standards' within the Prime Minister's office. I will be anticipating an improvement immediately, to prevent any further embarrassment to the P.M's office, by the ingrained ignorance of the staff.

Yours faithfully

Stuck in Fiji Mud.

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