Great Council of Chiefs have shown their adherence to convoluted policies of SDL/CAMV which are counter productive to Fiji's national cohesion. G.C.C have also demonstrated their case of being obsolete in modern governance. It also means that their own chiefly titles are no longer safe from being challenged by democracy and market forces.
These two architects of chaos ( Qarase and Qoroniasi) have painted a target on their backs. All gloves come off now and so does the last straw of respect for them and the ancient order of G.C.C and N.L.T.B.
The idea to create a corruption organization in Fiji is a toothless tiger without the "whistle blower" laws or "Freedom of Information" laws. Nothing less will suffice.
The idea to overhaul the entire Fiji Public service is following my sentiments. So this corruption organization is another example of expanding Government without the financial resources in place.
Engineering robotics in Fiji by U.S.P technology students opens up the industrial creativity that Fiji needs in the knowledge economy. Something that Fiji Government, G.C.C, N.L.T.B knows zero about. That is the future for Fiji, not bloodlines or archaic institutions like them.
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