Saturday, March 18, 2006

Political Spin in Fiji.

Methodist Church of Fiji must rectify the massive log in their own eye, before telling the military about the speck in their eyes.

New S.D.L's only Academic hopeful, Dr. Tupeni Baba is a knowledgeble, yet opportunistic individual whose judgement is severely clouded by lofty ambitions. It apprehensive of Messr Baba to air the dirty laundary that, borders on character assasination of his former acquaintances; especially on his public address debut. Politics does make strange bed-fellows, even in Fiji. Dr Baba may be related to S.D.L spokesman Messr Jale Baba and that family relationship faciltated the selection.

S.D.L's announcement of their political candidates and their flawed racial criteria for the job of Fiji Prime Minister, began on an embarrassing note on Tailevu Chief (George Cakabau's) part, a descendant of Seru Cakabau who engineered the ceeding of Fiji to England in 1870. This situation
only describes the sorry state of affairs which most chiefs find themselves. By straddling both side of the socio-poltical thresshold whilst their electorate remain in the doldrums of social mobility and progress.

At the other end of national dialogue of native land, this case of dis-enfranchised landowners; will breed nationalistic resentment.

Fiji Sun's opinion article by Academic Vijay Naidu outlines Fiji Voter's Manifesto of Demands and the responsibility they have, at the ballot box.

Common issues that face us


This paper seeks to draw the attention of voters to those common issues that face them as citizens of Fiji. Besides national level concerns there are issues that face particular sections of the community. At the national level political leaders must address five pivotal issues that affect the country’s prospects in the next 5-10 years.

These are: 1. Nation Building:

Since 1987 Fiji has become a very divided country. Politicians have been primarily responsible for this state of affairs. Voters need to examine if candidates and parties have a vision for Fiji. Is this vision based on moving Fiji away from its obsessions with the race of its citizens or is it seeking to further entrenched race and racism in the country. What nation building measures are being suggested? How a strong national identity can be build? Can our enthusiastic support for our sports teams, especially our national rugby 7’s team be translated to strengthening the sense of belonging for every Fiji citizen?
Government’s affirmative action policies, supposedly for the benefit of all indigenous Fijians and Rotumans, appear to have produced an elite group of beneficiaries. Working class and rural Fijians have little to show after 5 years of such programmes. How can the benefits and opportunities be more widely shared? How can the disadvantaged people of all ‘races’ access resources and opportunities?

2. Responding to Globalisation:

As our trade partners comply with World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules-both the sugar and garment industries are on the verge of collapsing altogether. Thousands of farmers and workers will lose their livelihoods. What contingency plans do our politicians have? Is there a willingness among politicians to work together in the national interest to save livelihoods and jobs?

What are the opportunities and risks for Fiji in this globalising world? Besides short term labour migration and remittance dependence, what else can the people of Fiji do to better their lot? What is the reform agenda for the country? How will the public sector be made more efficient and accountable? Will there be redundancies and job cuts? Will the system of taxation change?
Are there measures to deal with the rising cost of fossil fuel? Bus and taxi fares and general transportation costs have gone up and will continue to rise. What ideas do our politicians have to lower fuel costs and to promote alternative energy use.

3. Law and order is another major issue for political leaders, as it not only relates to personal security but to business confidence.

At the national level the on-going impasse over the 1997 Constitution between SVT and FLP continues to send negative signals to potential local and foreign investors. The fact that a number of those obviously implicated in the 2000 turmoil have been rewarded with government positions does not augur well for improved governance. The role of the military in pursuing those involved in the mutiny is admirable but the strained relations with government has caused jitters amongst ordinary citizens and gives Fiji an unfavourable image abroad.

Corruption and open abuse of public office appears to be rampant as seen from the Auditor General’s reports. What are the ways in which candidates and their parties envisage tackling these deeply rooted problems? Crimes against decent hard working citizens including seriously violent offences have been a feature of Fiji in recent times. The current police commissioner appears to have stopped the rot in the police force but there remain strong negative perceptions about police competence in the wider community. How policing can be made more effective has to be a central concern. In this regard vulnerable young males who are inclined to turn to breaking the law as a way of life must be identified and given the assistance they need to eschew anti-social behaviour.

4. Employment and Livelihoods -and just returns for labour:

Recent experience has shown that Fiji citizens are desperate for jobs that earn them a decent income. They have taken high risk employment in Iraq. A large number have joined the British army. Still others are working overseas or have migrated in droves. Besides the economic prospects, the main reason for emigration is the sense of insecurity that Indo-Fijians have felt ever since the 1987 military coups. The shortage of freehold land and the insecurity of tenure compound these feelings of insecurity. With only 2000 formal sector jobs each year, between 14000 to 16000 school leavers have no prospects for jobs and meaningful livelihoods. What new ideas do our politicians have to create more jobs and livelihoods? What ideas do they have about ensuring decent wages for workers? More than 60 percent of those who work earn below the national poverty line or around $160 a week. How will the politicians ensure that the hardships faced by our people because Fiji is mainly a low wage economy are addressed?

5. Land tenure and natural resource use:

There are many people, probably more than 65 percent of the population who are landless (most non-indigenous Fiji citizens and indigenous Fijians no longer resident in their province of origin) who would like to have access to land on a more secure basis. The impasse over the ALTA-NLTA debate has severely undermined commercial agriculture. Agriculture is not an attractive livelihood in this day and age and the rural to urban migration has already become a flood. What new ideas have candidates for the coming general election on how best to deal with the chronic land problem? How will they encourage the productive use by landowners of land that was previously under sugar cane? In the national interest what ideas do politicians and political parties have about the better use of our land and natural resources so that the resource rich and cash poor syndrome of such resource owning groups can be addressed?

There are many problems that rural people face besides access to land and other resources and security of tenure. These include transport and communication, market access and improved services. Many rural people in inland areas and outer islands do not have roads and or shipping and flights that connect them with the rest of the country. Elsewhere transport services are irregular and difficult. In many places the public works department has failed to maintain roads and jetties. Bus companies have refused to send their buses in rural routes because of the deteriorated conditions of roads. Market access is critical for them as they tend to be cash poor. There is an urgent need to stop the decline in the quality of rural services and for improvements in school facilities, dispensaries, water supply, electricity and telephone connections, and agricultural extension and banking services.

There is also the issue of the security of farmers in rural areas who are exposed to livestock and produce thefts and threats to their person; a number of farming families have lost their loved ones as a result of robberies leading to homicide. Among urban issues are deteriorating full of pot-hole roads, water and power cuts, garbage and sewerage disposal. Poor urban planning and the huge jump in housing rental and property values are concerns for town and city dwellers. Each urban centre has specific issues relating to services (including safe drinking water) and the environment. Law and order is a problem all over the country but in towns and cities crimes such as mugging, home invasion, violent robberies and burglaries as well as sexual offences are particularly widespread.

Dealing with youth unemployment in urban areas must be a central concern. There are many areas of concern for women which women voters should look out for when voting in the general election.
The extremely small number of women in decision making positions need to be tackled by giving the voters the opportunity to vote for many more women candidates. Are political parties fielding acceptable number of women candidates? Another issue for women relate to educational opportunities. What do politicians say about making more educational opportunities for women? What do they have to say about more employment for women especially at higher levels?

Do they accept the principle of equal pay for equal work? Women’s human rights mean amongst other things their right to own property. How is this right being translated into reality? Have the politicians thought about this? Do domestic violence and sexual abuse feature in the party platform of the parties? What about women’s rights? Are our streets and bush tracks safe for our mothers, sisters, daughters and wives? How can we make these safer?

In Fiji the government provides very little support for families that have children who are between 13-24 who are not in school and are unemployed. Fiji’s prisons are filled largely by those between 18-30 years. In post coup Fiji the number of street children has increased in leaps and bounds. What plans do the political parties have to deal with massive unemployment amongst young people? Are there sufficient places in vocational and post-school institutions to train them so that they can fit into the labour market better or have the skills to engage in self-employment? Do we need to rethink our training programmes for young people -in and out of school? What plans do politicians have to improve the quality of schools for those children and youth in schools? Better facilities from safe drinking water to computer access are issues in most schools. What about school libraries? The quality of teachers and their balanced allocation to rural and urban schools remain issues to be tackled.

For the poor there are many issues around having the resources and opportunities to meet their modest needs. Most of Fiji’s poor are working people who earn less than $160 a week (for a family of 4). Meeting the cost of housing, food, clothing, health care and medicines, education, transport and fulfilling social obligations is very difficult and even impossible. There is absolute poverty in squatter settlements and considerable hardship in rural localities.

A majority of Fiji citizens are in poverty or vulnerable to poverty with incomes below the national poverty line. However it is their votes that will determine which political party or coalition of parties that will rule the country for the next 5 years. There are minorities such as landless mixed race and the Solomoni communities who suffer the highest level of unemployment and are in poverty. Will they be ignored because they do not have the numbers? What plans do politicians have for disable and blind people? What about sexual minorities? Will their human rights be respected and upheld? Fiji is an extremely unequal country. In recent years the rich have got richer and the situation of the poor has worsened. What policies do the political parties have to redistribute wealth and give everyone a fair go?

What are the ideas, if any that politicians and political parties have for improving the quality of life of the majority of Fiji’s people - from the desperately poor to those who are barely coping? The general election is about electing your representatives and deciding who will govern Fiji for the next 5 years. The quality of the representatives and political parties that will win the election will have great significance for the voters’ lives, as they will influence the quality of life that each citizen has. Voting along racial lines may not give you the best leaders.

Vijay Naidu was born and educated in Fiji and the United Kingdom. He obtained his undergraduate and masters qualifications at the University of the South Pacific (USP). He completed his doctoral studies at the University of Sussex in Brighton (Falmer), England. He is currently Professor and Director of Development Studies at Victoria University of Wellington. He is on leave from University of the South Pacific where he has served as Professor and Director of the Centre for Development Studies, Associate Professor/Reader in Sociology, Head of School of Social and Economic Development (SSED), Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic) and Acting Vice Chancellor.

Another provocative and insightful Fiji Sun article by Ponipate Ravula (member of a local NGO) juxtaposes a hypothetical situation, of having a popular elected Government with the right leaders, with the right agendas and policies to empower all citizens of Fiji.

Club Em Designs

Friday, March 17, 2006


Fiji Law Society Chairman and Electoral Commision Chairman lists Fiji very close to a failed state.
The fall in Fiji exports is a product of failed imagination by decision makers and planners, particularly in industry diversification.

The proposal to revive the Lawyer duty scheme for Legal Aid Commission is a welcomed. More effort is required by the staff of Legal Aid on placing emphasis on seeking funds from private donors, to prevent lapses in service.

The idea to switch Fiji Foreign Mission's objectives to export orientated performance, reflects the slow realization of potential by various planners in Foreign Affairs Ministry. This model they propose, will be obsolete by the time those policies are fully implemented.

Tool of democracy

I would like to thank you for the two-part interview with Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama (FT 13/3 and FT 14/3).

It goes to show there are some media organisations that are really independent and doing the job they should be doing.

Thank you for giving us something worthy to read and for your effort in bringing the truth into the open.

The interview has really shed the light of truth onto the ongoing saga between the Government and the military.

All this while the Government leaders have been trying to cover up their deeds by blaming the military for all the tension.

Commodore Bainimarama is right in saying that these cronies who are now trying to use the principle of democracy to cover their evil deeds are opportunists.

They only prefer democracy if it suits their agenda.

One thing people like Jale Baba need to remember is that though truth takes time to come out, it will eventually come out.

When it does, those who were thriving on the lies will be made to eat their own words as is presently happening.

I thank the Commander for leading the way in showing the lies and deceit that are crippling our society and taking us to the path of destruction and racial intolerance.

May your good deed get the support it deserves.

Sarita Kumar

Club Em Designs

Culture Shock of Democracy in Fiji.

Chiefs of Cakaudrove who wish to advise the Army Commander on politics should think about the dual standards that they apply in Fiji's democracy. unfortunately the Chiefs are forgetting that they are not a democratically elected group and their ramblings of discontent is rooted in their out-flanked gate-keeping role for information. Others have optioned to shut out the Truth Campaign soldiers in their villages and threatened any fellow villager that entertained soldiers in their homes, with expulsion. If that isn't restriction of free association then Military might as well create Pirate Political radio stations to further their reach.

S.D.L announces the presentation ceremony of the manifesto and the candidates for the 2006 elections. Even though some rumor mongering among that Dr Tupeni Baba was invited to join the S.D.L line up.

If the proposal of Fijian Court system, as raised by some wishful thinking Senators is a step backward and is duplictory. Woe betides the common villager who crosses the path, of the village judge/chief/excutioner.

That is the crux of the chained socio-cultural mentality that is pervasive in all sectors of Provincial Councils.

The issue of election campaign funding laws is gaining popularity, even among nationalists in Fiji is a welcomed call.

Fiji Supervisor of Elections is receiving complaints from all quarters on the flawed registration process in Fiji Times Letters to the Editor.

To err is human

SUPERVISOR of Elections Semesa Karavaki says enumerators may have made mistakes when they filled voter-registration forms because they were only humans.

He did not indicate how many human errors a enumerator is allowed to make before he is declared incompetent or imbecile.

On the day of the general election, albeit too late, the number of errors made by enumerators on registration forms will determine whether the errors were really human or inhuman.

According to the law, all registered voters who do not vote in the general election will be charged and fined.

Because of human error in the Elections Office some registered voters who are prevented from voting because of the erroneous entry on voter rolls, may be charged and fined later for not going to vote. To err is human.

The least the Elections Office could do for the disenfranchised citizens of Fiji is issue to each voter on the day of election at the polling station, an official piece of paper or official proof that he/she went to vote but was not allowed to vote.

The Elections Office owes this to the voter for its own mistake.

If a small, poor person can be charged and fined for not being able to go and vote, the Elections Office with it's multi-million dollar budget and competent staff can surely give a small piece of official paper, in return for the mistake its employees made to the people whose right to vote was taken away from them.

Does the Elections Office have any money for this? Is there enough time to do it now? Last of all, does the Supervisor of Elections see any need for doing this? Your guess is as good as mine.

Kanti Patel

Electoral Act

According to Supervisor of Elections Semesa Karavaki, the Electoral Act is impractical and he will ignore it with Mahendra Chaudhry's complaint with regard to the timeline (FT 13/3).

In the next breath, the Electoral Act, according to him, empowers him to complain to the police about the military commander (FT 13/3).

So the Electoral Act is good when it suits him and bad when it doesn't. Must feel great to have power to freely juggle the Act.

Kanti Patel

Voter registration

Last year some officers came to our house to register our names.

Although I was put on the right constituency,I discovered later on when I went to check my name in the Provisional Roll that my house number was wrongly written.The error was rectified.

On the same day as my name was registered, my house lady's name was also registered.

Despite telling the witnessing officer the constituency she belonged to, she was put in the wrong constituency. On the day I checked in the Provisional Rolls for the appearance of my name, she also checked hers.

It was discovered her name did not appear at all.

She was registered again. However I feel there is no guarantee that despite the corrections and re-registration done, that our names will appear in the main roll or if it does appear, it will be free of errors.

This is just a couple of cases for mention but I feel that there could be hundreds, perhaps thousands whose names have been put in wrong constituencies or have other mistakes.

For these reasons I suggest that the General Elections be postponed until everybody's names are correctly registered.

The Supervisor of Elections should erect sheds in places where people frequent for the registration of voters and for the checking of their names in the provisional rolls so people don't have to fork out taxi fares or extra bus fares to reach DO's offices which is not convenient for them to go to.

Hassan Ali

Club Em Designs

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Moving Heaven and Earth.

The concern for the Fiji Military, on the arms transfer is indeed,
a grave development that does not bode well for the nation.
The response of Fiji Prime Minister, on the Army's Truth Campaign is simply a case of sour grapes. Messr Qarase and company easily cling to democratic rules, only when it serves their despicable purposes. Unfortunately due to their history of half truths and un-ethical behavior which, has resulted in a serious erosion of beliefs; of the people of Fiji.

Tebutt poll defines the crucial issues for the majority of Fiji voters, which are social concerns and services.

Queen's visit

The plans for the new GCC building to be opened by the Queen (FT10/3) should be thought over carefully. Our nation is in debt to the tune of more than $2billion, unemployment is high and thousands live below the poverty line. Recently the Government said it could not increase its funding towards poverty alleviation because it lacked the funds.

The Government spent $90,000 for Benny Hinn's security. We are now talking about the Queen. Hundreds of thousands of dollars will be involved.

The public would love to see Her Majesty. Schools would be disrupted. Most probably the day would be announced a public holiday.

With all due respect to the GCC, the welfare of its people should be its top priority.

Savenaca Vaka

The current Chairman of Native Lands Trust Board, Messr Kalivati Bakani was fired, from his former position at Carpenters Fiji Group.
This dismissal speaks volumes on the character at the helm of the entrenched organization.
NLTB's board directors are selected from the Great Council of Chiefs. Most of whom, have an axe to grind or have conflicts of interests in one form or another. Here's re-look at an People's Coalition website article post 2000 coup highlighting the politicization of Native Lands Trust Board.

PCG Issue No: 667; 10 April 2001

The demand by the Native Lands Trust Board that tenants on native land can not belong to unions or political parties has been widely condemned.
The demand, which is contained in letters which the NLTB has been sending tenants, has been defended by the NLTB. A media report states that the NLTB claims that "[ethnic] Fijian land was used to hold the country to ransom despite the fact that the lease was issued for the sole purpose of agricultural development".

The NLTB also stated: "Political wannabes have continuously used indigenous land that are subject to agricultural leases to wreak havoc on the country's economy".
The demands have been condemned by the Fiji Labour Party, the Fiji Trades Union Congress, and the media.

Today the Fiji Times gave a biting rebuke to the demands by the NLTB. It stated:
"The latest demand by the Native Land Trust Board is ridiculous. In what is nothing short of holding farmers to ransom, the board wants an undertaking that they will not participate in political activities. For this promise the farmers will be allowed new leases and a secure future."

The paper said that the demand "places restrictions on the farmers' constitutional right to take part in protests or political activities. Because the demand is not specific it remains open to interpretation. And this is where the problem lies. A landowner can run crying to the board over trumped up allegations that the tenant is involved in destabilising activities.

Such activities could range from attending a political meeting or hosting discussions about the next harvest. This can not be allowed to happen. As a responsible tenant the farmer must ensure that his lease is paid on time and the land is properly maintained. That, really, us where his responsibility ends."

The paper also writes: "The [NLTB] does not appear to have demanded that the landowners refrain from disturbing the tenants. It has not compelled villagers to stay of leased land, refrain from inciting violence and tension that could cause ill-feelings and address all grievances to the board. The Native Land Trust Board has the responsibility of ensuring that the interests of the landowners are protected."

The Times echoed the views of most people in Fiji who believe that the NLTB has become politicised. The paper stated that the NLTB's role has "become increasingly politicised since May last year. This latest demand is evidence of that fact. The board must move away from politics. If it continues down the present track it is the landowners who will suffer."

The NLTB is led by ethnic Fijians who were active supporters of the terrorists last year.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Political Action Stations.

S.D.L party is firing out letters of protest left right and center, in retaliation for the Army's campaign of Truth.
S.I.F.M does not believe that this is inteference. The Army's action only levels the playing field and provides much needed counter-point to all the lip-service and unethically vote-buying tactics employed by S.D.L.

The S.D.L rebuttal that, insinuates inappropiate use of public funds does not hold water simply because the Military administers their own budget at their discretion and secondly the Cabinet Minister's routine visit to Fijian rural villages prior to the elections, makes them guilty of the same offence.

The concept of 'Free and Fair elections' is not threatened by the Army as touted by critics. Rather, the real threats in Fiji are: rushed voter registration and flawed provincial rolls.
Fiji Sun Editorial echoes the cynics and expnds on the issue of the 'Army factor' during 2006 election campaigning.

Tuesday 14th March, 2006

The military factor

Whether or not the military can use the public's money to join an election campaign is a question that will probably be decided - if ever - by the courts.
For it remains to be seen whether the Government will follow through on its threat to seek an injunction. To do so it would have to show reasonable grounds for believing that the army's action was in fact illegal. At the same time, the courts in Fiji have historically been unwilling to grant open ended injunctions. So it might be difficult for the Government to obtain an injunction restraining the army from campaigning until the matter is decided by the court at some date well into the future.
The more immediate question for the Government, however, might be the impact the army campaign is likely to have on people's voting intentions. For the military is campaigning without standing for election. It cannot ask people to vote for it. It can only suggest that people in some vague way do the right thing, hear the voice of truth and justice, denounce the liars and their lies.

It all sounds very grand, but as any experienced political campaigner will testify, voters look for parties and individuals, not institutions, to vote for (or against) at election time. It's difficult to see that the army's campaign - legal or otherwise - will have a significant effect, though the Government might argue that any effect at all could be significant given the volatility of the electorate. The Government's immediate problem is more political than legal.

By overreacting to the army's initiative, might it not lend credence to the military campaign? Could people begin to think that there may be something to hide? These are not easy questions to answer. The May election is critical for Fiji's future. It is all the more understandable, then, that the Government should resent what it sees as illegal interference by the army and its commander in the sense that it is using public funds for political ends. There's no doubt that the military's action represents a division of focus that the Government can well do without at the this stage of its campaign. But whether it will result in significantly altered voting intentions seems unlikely.

In fact the opposite may well be the case. There is widespread unease over the army's intervention in the election campaign. Even those who agree with what the commander has to say feel aggrieved that he has entered the political arena. So while he will no doubt attract a headline or two, his political impact may be much less than he would like. The Government might do better, then, to conduct its own campaign rather than worry about someone else's.

The failure of Government native ministry like the archaic Fijian Affairs Board is now being echoed in Fiji Senate.

The Lau Provincial seat which Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase intends to contest will surely be a cracker. Firstly he has serious competition to consider, as well as the wounds relating to the 2000 coup and the Paramount chief of Lau, the late Ratu Kamisese Mara's family of influence.

There is a ground swell of criticism, against the sacking of beloved Announcer; Sitiveni Ratulala for interviewing the Army Commander. Dismissal for violation of editorial content is excessive for such a reknown talent. This action reeks of political retalition and chained freedom of Radio Fiji.

Mr. Ratulala is well remembered for his morning show, when he would greet listeners literally using, the whole spectrum of Fijian dialects. There are 14 Provinces of Fiji. Province is actually a broad catergory and some provinces could have 2-3 different dialects.

Freedom of Media in Fiji is limited to those who own one.

Druavesi warns FBCL

Fiji Broadcasting Corporation chief executive officer Francis Herman should come out publicly on who gave him the directive to sack popular Fijian talk back show host Sitiveni Raturala. Soqosoqo Ni Vakavulewa Ni Taukei Party secretary Ema Druavesi yesterday warned Mr Herman to be careful, as he had been used to fire a Fijian, who had a huge following in the Fijian community for many years. “The Fijian community is not happy with the actions of the FBCL,” she said. “Mr Raturala’s talkback show has a huge following throughout the country and now the Fijian people are not happy. There was nothing wrong in his interview with the army commander. Actually, it was well received by the Fijian community because they now have heard straight from the horse’s mouth.
“Mr Herman should be careful not to be caught in the web because the Fijian people will see him as a villain even though he is innocent since he is acting on higher orders to safeguard his job as well.” Ms Druavesi said the Government should appreciate the fact that it was through Mr Raturala’s popularity and ways of conducting his talkback shows that had helped the FBCL stay afloat.
Mr Herman said the FBCL’s editorial policies like all other independent and credible news organisations, reiterated their strong commitment to promoting and upholding the free flow of information, the principles of democracy and respect for human rights.
“It also demands objectivity, balance, impartiality and requires that we maintain a high degree of balance, fair play and justice in all our broadcasts,” he said. However, Ms Druavesi said Mr Herman may have his reasons but the Fijian community did not see that. “Mr Herman should come out publicly whether the directive came from the Prime Minister’s Office but if he refuses he should not blame anyone because now he has been used,” she said. Ms Druavesi said the FBCL for its survival should apologise to Mr Raturala and reinstate him before it lost its Fijian listeners.

Club Em Designs

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Passive Resistance.

Radio Fiji's position as an independent media platform has been stained with incidents of interference by the recent dismissal of a popular Fijian broadcasting icon.

Maybe the dismissal of the announcer was Fiji Prime Minister's reaction, to Fiji Army Commander's new campaign of Truth to stop mis-information of rural voters.

Fiji's state owned companies must be taken to task for political inteference prior to the elections and their track record of dubious business practices.
Fiji Elections Office officials demonstrate, how much out of touch with reality; they really are. These Election officials often are misconstrued, as the default mouth-piece for the corrupt few in power.
It seems that, the arrogance of the Fiji Elections Office, has risen to alarming new heights by minimizing discrepancies within Fiji's election processes.

In addition, the arrogance of minority civil servants; will be the beginning of the end, for the majority in Fiji. Sometimes these civil servants tend to be overly bureaucratic without any ounce of proactive intiatives, along with their inflated egos which might be perceived as a political wedge.

However, in light of the malice and corruption associated with national elections, whether held in Fiji or the overseas. The Elections office will have to shoulder the burden of proof and be seen as independent, by the public and international observers. Fiji Election Supervisor has not actively conducted his work without relative bias. Irrespective of whether the bias; was direct or implied.

The propsed Audit Bill is dressed down as inadequate, by the Senator and Kadavu representative Messr Jim Ah-Koy.

Fiji needs Politicians who are not embarrassed to vote outside party lines; if the Bill concerned does not meet their preferred level of integrity, as well as not undermining the rules for transparency with the public purse. Unfortunately, individuals with that caliber are in demand, universally.

Obviously these legal loop holes in the Bill is designed to protect the powerful in Fiji society. The same layers of elite who have been short-changing the rest of the population.

Club Em Designs

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Wake Up Call.

Fiji Sun's article on the U.S State Department 2005 report on Fiji's Human Rights is interesting but not comprehensive. The article could have been more objective, on the conclusions of the report.
The report also could not come at a better time just before the elections; as an independent review of the Fiji Government's un-implemented international obligations.

On the Election front, Fiji Labour Party issue legal warnings to the Fiji Election Office official in their bid to rush the registration process;
which political parties have raised and have been brushed aside, due to arrogance.

Fiji Army reveals a new Truth Campaign for the elections against the S.D.L party, particularly in the rural areas whom are susecptible to mis-information and racial innuendos by Politicians.

Club Em Designs

Friday, March 10, 2006

Ingenuity - Branching Out.

New Magazine on Fiji lifestyles is a testimony to entrepreneurial skills. S.I.F.M wishes the new entity well in their future.

On the eve of the elections in Fiji, current issues on the technicalities of Objection period.

U.S Ambassador to Fiji faces the protestors of pro-Kyoto Accords which the U.S, China, India and Australia refuses to sign on to the document.

The same protestors applaud the U.S report on Fiji.

The issue of repatriations of lost native lands may be a rising issue in the 2006 elections.

Club Em Designs

Thursday, March 09, 2006

UB40 in Fiji-The Beat Goes On.

Fiji's learned Vice-President voices his opinion on ethnicity in Fiji.

The issue of mega stars paying tax dues for the cash strapped Fiji Inland Revenue and Customs Authority also known as F.I.R.C.A is claiming their pound of flesh in a dramatic fashion. Taking into account, all of UB40's success albums, they can easily buy out the entire Fiji Government in cash.

Fiji Sun. Fri. March 10th, 2006.

Prepare for the party of your life, UB40 tells fans


Members of the UB40 yesterday called on their fans to have a good time and party like they have never done before. The renowned British reggae group arrived in the country yesterday afternoon on a chartered Air New Zealand flight from Tonga. Nadi International Airport workers and some fans got the opportunity to see the group members in person before they were whisked away to Pacific harbor where they spent the night.

Lead vocalist Ali Campbell, dreadlock vocalist Astro Oswald and other group members were cheered as they walked out of the arrival concourse.
Mr Campbell said he was happy to be in Fiji and assured fans he would sing UB40's old hits "You should have a good time and party like you have never partied before", he said. The group's first concert will be at the FMF Dome in Suva tonight and the second in Lautoka on Sunday. Tickets for the concerts are selling fast. Preparations for the open air concert in Lautoka are well under worganizerssers said.

Empty containers have been put around the ground to prevent people from crashing their way into the venue. This happened during a Lucky Dube concert in Nadi where hundreds pushed down the fence and got into Prince Charles Park. Security for the concerts is expected to be tight.

Club Em Designs

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Kiss of Death.

Great Council of Chiefs meeting to discuss the Qoliqoli Bill is another indication of their prior negligence. However, the Viti Tourism Resource Owners Association highlights their concern of the abuse of grass roots landowners by native institutions. Even though the V.T.R.O had erred in choosing their financial backers; their objective of creating a landowner's bank, is morally right. In addition, to creating a positive paradigm shift that empowers Fiji landowners.

It must be pointed out that G.C.C is only interested in the Aristocracy but the V.T.R.O are more inclined to voice the concerns of those who have been abused by the archaic cultural system in Fiji, in favor of the Nobles.

The following Fiji Live article examines the M.U.D that Fiji faces when the Great Council of Chiefs deecide to change a democratic document to facilitate patronage of un-elected and un-democratic entity.

Obviously the G.C.C are trying to butter both sides of the proverbial slice of bread. Or in other terms, living in the lap of luxury under the undemocratic and obsolete institution that, contravenes the existing Fiji constitution precepts of equal standing for all Fijians. There is two Fiji's. One for the Have's and the other for Not's.

Chiefs to discuss Constitution change
Thursday March 09, 2006

The Great Council of Chiefs will today discuss whether the Constitution should be amended to allow other chiefs in public office to join them in decision making.

The matter is part of a review of the Fijian administration that will be tabled in a report at the chief’s meeting in Lami, outside Suva.

Current law does not authorise public holders to hold a second public office as member of the GCC.

This means that high chiefs such as Transport Minister Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu, Education Minister Ro Teimumu Kepa and Assistant Fijian Affairs Minister Ratu Suliano Matanitobua can only sit in the meetings as observers.

The President and Vice President, Speaker of the Lower House of Representatives, Senate President, Cabinet Minister and Members of Parliament are also not permitted to be GCC members.

Other issues on the GCC agenda are the election of five members to the boards of the Native Land Trust Board and Fijian Affairs Trust, the progress on the fishing rights, indigenous claims tribunal and the controversial Reconciliation Bill.

It will also discuss a recommendation to increase royalties on minerals instead of transferring Mineral Rights to indigenous Fijians as approved by a GCC meeting in November 2003.

The GCC yesterday re-elected President Ratu Josefa Iloilo and Vice President Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi for five year terms.


Fiji Women also voicing their concerns on International Womens Day.

S.I.F.M is adamant that, all Women are a gift for God. Where would mankind be in their absence?

Club Em Designs

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Renouncing Mis-information in Fiji.

Fiji's internal jostle for power led by a Minister and Chief within the S.D.L party further undermines the rule of democracy. The denials by the Minister concerned; demonstrates the truth impairedment of the S.D.L party. It is about time that the office of Fiji President be selected from a democratic institution.

Yet the matter of mineral ownerships in Fiji, seems to be undergoing mis-information designed to further dis-enfranchise Fijian landowners. S.D.L Government's predictable billegerance on the matter, highlights their patronising trend of lip-service regarding indigneous concerns.

Bainimarama warns voters
Fiji Times Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Political slogans which promote Fijian unity during the general election period are false and do not do anything for indigenous Fijians to attain better economic livelihoods, says military commander Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama.

Commodore Bainimarama said these were the same messages that were preached by politicians since 2000 and yet Fijians had nothing to show for it.

"They (politicians) are really just playing on the emotions of the Fijians for their own political gains. It was used in 1987 and then in 2000 and we are still hearing these things now," he said.

Commodore Bainimarama said that the Government should publicise what its Affirmative Action programs had achieved for Fijians. He said Fijians did not show any progress that would have meant their unity had allowed them to prosper.

"The military is not against Fijian aspirations but these messages of unity only drive the Fijians to believe only a few politicians and end up breaking the law like the 2000 coup and still show nothing for it."

Club Em Designs

Monday, March 06, 2006

Slim Chances.

Fiji Methodist Church seems to be caught on up in politics and only underlines the fact that, they have forgotten their religous calling.

Fiji Elections Office is defending their archaic decision to dis-enfranchised Fiji citizens living overseas.
The Great Council of Chiefs impromptu role for the rotational selection of President has no legal basis along with their overall duty to choose on behalf of the population of Fiji and contravenes democratic principles of elections.

The rhetoric by S.D.L spokesman is laugable especially with his track record of dubious business practices in Fiji.
The issue of University of South Pacific Vice-Chancellor who was invited as a guest note speaker for the S.D.L part only creates more waves for the academic. The minimization of his appearance should not be glossed-over because it implies that the learned individual, actively supports the racial views of the political party.

Meanwhile the manifesto of the New Alliance party needs to be fact-checked for accuracies. The old adage used by most politicians of promising jobs for skilled trades has failed miserably again claims Training Authority in Fiji.
This issue will continue be debated by political parties because it only examines the whole framework of employment and educational institutions in Fiji.

Club Em Designs

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Fake Actions and Empty Promises.

Qarase claims more empty promises and doesn't explain why those high wages were not implemented earlier. Then the actions by crafty Attorney General of Fiji, who files a Compulsory Supervision Order to release individuals convicted on coup charges.

Native Lands Trust Board now faces a legal case against it's founding laws. It is also an indication that Fiji Landowners are coming of age with their intellect. The acknowledgement by one chief that most chiefs in Fiji lack moral fiber and other leadership qualities. It also places a lot more pressure to Great Council of Chiefs and the upcoming conference.

Here are copies of letters to the Fiji Times Editor.

Academic advice

THE public lecture by USP Associate Professor, Doctor Biman Prasad, on resolving the agricultural land lease problem in Fiji was interesting.

It was interesting to hear so many comments and questions, especially by academics.

The comments and suggestions will be used by academics and students to write and do research on.

The media has also picked up the issue and soon the debate will close.

A chapter will be finished and we will wait for another academic to come up with a new proposal and they will agree and disagree with each other.

This trend of public lectures, debates and papers by academics on the subject has continued for some time.

Unfortunately, not much has been achieved by the academics in reality.

I have nothing against academics for they have a lot of knowledge as they do a lot of research and are experts in their own field.

After all, they have the right to deliver their work or research in whatever way pleases them.

However, I feel academics could do more than just proposals and writing a paper on the land problem in Fiji.

It is time the academics became more practical and engaged stakeholders in finding a way forward in resolving the delicate issue.

The academics usually blame politicians for not resolving the land issue.

Yes, politicians are to be blamed because they are politicians.

Academics should blame themselves for not engaging politicians and other stakeholders in finding a solution.

The academics should involve the Government, Opposition, NLTB, landowners and tenants to discuss their proposals.

Talks between the Government and the Opposition is an example of such co-operation, where a third party took the initiative to get the two opposing groups to come together and discuss important issues affecting the nation.

It will make sense to put their proposal before stakeholders rather than put it in a public forum where things only go around in a circle without much action.

No offence to academics but I think we have had too much academic advice and it is time for action.

Avinash Kumar

Post-coup prediction

I THANK Semiti Qalowasa for his insight and thought-provoking article (FT 28/2) and for articulating the late Simione Durutalo's socio-economic analysis and prediction of the post-coup years.

It is time the mainstream heartland Fijian's thinking accept the perpetrated ethnic consciousness and call the indigenous political unity as but a thin dancer to mask the stark reality of a volatile and growing class consciousness.

Peni Dakua

Club Em Designs

Friday, March 03, 2006

Wrong Persuasions.

United Nations representatives does not have an O.I.T.C program and raises a lot of questions behind the financiers of the proposed landowners bank.

Fiji Live article unravels more details on the shadowy individual handing out promises.

OITC men linked to imaginary country
Friday March 03, 2006

Keith Scott, The man whose organization has promised more than $11billion to Fiji landowners, had one of his corporations registered in the imaginary entity of the Dominion of Melchizedek.

Ray Chhat Dam (reportedly a Thai national with US citizenship) - alongside other individuals - was linked to an entity called the Consolidated Credit Bank Limited, which is said to have originally obtained a mail order bank license over the Internet from the Australian-based Dominion of Melchizedek.

The Dominion of Melchizedek is a so-called micronation with its own legislation and flag and is listed as being located in various parts of the Pacific Ocean islands and parts of Antarctica, and lays claim to a small island off Rotuma called Solkope.

The Dominion of Melchizedek was implicated in trying to separate Rotuma from Fiji in early 2000 after its leader David Korem visited Rotuma and had drafted a constitution and was planning to help it gain independence.

Dam's "Chief of Cabinet of the Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) as well as his Special Envoy and Executor for His Excellency", Keith Scott, said a Consolidated Credit Bank was initially registered from Melchizedek and then it was shifted to "their own nation".

An Internet search of Consolidated Credit Bank Limited reveals that it is on the blacklist of at least one bank watch website. The bank's website has expired.

Scott admitted that the Consolidated Credit Bank had been registered with Melchizedek yet failed to divulge any details about its operations.

"Originally, the Consolidated Credit Bank was listed in the Dominion of Melchizedek. This is part of the normal process of the Melchizedekal system regardless of the secrecy of these assets. What happens is that everything runs under a concept of plausible deniability.

"CCB is not registered in the Dominion of Melchizedek. It was at one stage for certain technical purposes. The original licence came from there and then we took it on under our own nation," Scott said.

Scott, who was scheduled to leave the country tonight, revealed this during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between OITC and Fiji's indigenous landowners earlier today.

Without showing any solid evidence of the establishment of his organisation, Scott said OITC resulted from a supposed paper he presented to the United States Federal Reserve in 1998, requesting that Dr Dam be appointed as "the sole arbiter of the centralised wealth of the world, which was controlled under the Federal Reserve under the Bank of International Settlements".

This contradicted his earlier statement that his superior Dr Dam was appointed on January 20 1995 appointed as the sole arbiter.

Scott said funds for OITC was held in a organisation called the Institutional Parent Administration Account. Like the OITC, there is no evidence of this organisation on the Internet.

"The purpose of instituting the OITC was to provide an administrative system in perpetuity, which will be able to exercise the management of these funds and their control," Scott said.

He said prior to today, OITC was a secret organisation and no one knew of its existence.

"The OITC has been up until today a secret organisation known by some particularly in the highest levels of banking. All our funds are held in the Institutional Parent Administration Account of the Federal Reserve System.

"Last night (Thursday Fiji time) I had Dr Dam transfer the first US$3billion."

OITC had initially offered to provide indigenous landowners $F6billion, but during the signing of the MOU, he revealed that the $US3billion was in additional funds.

"This is not the money for setting up the new bank. This is additional money of $US3billion," Scott said.

When asked how his organisation managed to arrange the transfer of $US3billion, Scott responded: "Because I have the authority and the power to do that. We have the money and we can give it to anybody.

"Why don't you just wait and let the funds come into the Reserve Bank? I have already delivered the transfer documents.

"We don't ask the Federal Reserve to send the money, we instruct them."

The Dominion of Melchizedek has attempted for nearly a decade to become recognized amongst other nations as an independent nation, according to the free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

While some reports indicate the Dominion of Melchizedek owns no sovereign territory except for perhaps some obscure island territory, DOM is seeking independent nation status via "ecclesiastical statehood", claiming what it believes is a status no different than what The Vatican obtained for its international recognition and relations with other nations.

The Dominion of Melchizedek was created in 1986 by Evan David Pedley and his son, Mark Logan Pedley. The latter also uses a number of pseudonyms, including "Tzemach Ben David Netzer Korem" and "Branch Vinedresser" (which is a rough English translation of the Hebrew). The Pedleys have published a translation of the Bible known as the Melchizedek Bible.

While its flag incorporates Christian, Jewish and Islamic symbols, the Dominion of Melchizedek has no established church or formally constituted religion, and most external observers reject the assertion of ecclesiastical sovereignty.

The Dominion of Melchizedek also claims Jerusalem as its "homeland." The claim is based on the Biblical legend of Melchizedek, who is said to have been priest-king of Salem.

During the 1990s, Dominion of Melchizedek is said to have begun to claim sovereignty over a number of Pacific islands, all of which were already the possessions of recognised states. They include Taongi Atoll (an uninhabited possession of the Marshall Islands); Malpelo Island (a possession of Colombia, inhabited by a military garrison); Karitane Shoal (a reef submerged under 9 metres of water); Solkope Island (part of Fiji off Rotuma), and Clipperton Island (a possession of France). It also claims a large section of Antarctica. None of these claims is recognised by any established government.

The Dominion of Melchizedek website claims that it is a recognized sovereign entity. However, it has been described as "non-existent" by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission

The Dominion of Melchizedek is believed to have been established during the 1980s in the United States by residents of California, Virginia, Chicago, and Texas who saw "agents" being placed in Australia, Canada, The Philippines, Saipan, Guam, Japan, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, The Vatican, Latvia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia (CIS), Bulgaria, Bosnia, Chile, Peru, Belgium, and the Caribbean.

The Dominion of Melchizedek amongst other things has been establishing 'identity vehicles' such as banking licenses and passports for many entities and its associates for over 10-years.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Blind Faith & The Middle Finger.

The cash dontions by S.D.L party reeks of voter-buying in Fiji. Although, the Electoral Office is optimistic of a free and fair elections. The ultimate gauge will be from the political parties.

Minimizing their concerns of flawed registration and should not be glossed over by the officials like Messr Karavaki and Leung of the Elections office and Electoral Commission respectively. Both of whom are selectively applying the rules for fair play which have been used extensively in other Commonwealth nations. The usual defense of time constraints may not hold water due to the simple fact that Fiji's General Elections was expected to occur, five years ago.

S.I.F.M will castigate these same individuals, who casually hide behind their positions of authority; at the same time enjoying their elevated social status. Whilst neglecting their fiduiciary duty, which accompanies the same position.

Party warns on vote buying tactics

Welfare assistance to needy people by the ruling Soqosoqo Duavata Ni Lewenivanua party is a sign of vote buying, says the Soqosoqo Ni Vakavulewa Ni Taukei party. General secretary Ema Druavesi said such assistance must be given during its second year in power. “Why now? We can really tell that they are using such assistance for vote buying,” Ms Druavesi said.

She said on Wednesday, an applicant who resides at Cunningham in Suva, told her of the assistance.“That man told me that the assistance money has been given by the Government of Japan with the total amount of $2.5million. Applicants were told they could receive some money within two weeks.”

Ms Druavesi said that the assistance form stated a person’s constituency and registration number. “This is very alarming and dangerous,” she said. “The constituency and registration number have nothing to do with the assistance at all. It does not go well with what this particular person wants and, above all, there is no information to support the assistance he applied for.”

Ms Druavesi said that on the other hand, if the constituency and the registration number appeared on the form, it could be used for other reasons and purposes.

The lack of plans to modernize Fiji's maritime industry is the cause of the current inefficiencies. How on earth can the nation of Fiji expect to rectify their poor export statictics especially when the basic service of logistics, have yet to be established.

Club Em Designs

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Chained Hopes.

The new Landowner's bank is show getting alot of scrutiny from the Fiji Police and other naysaying officials.

Their proposal also ruffles the feathers of institutions like Native Lands Trust Board.

Finance Min warns on Fijian bank plan
Thursday March 02, 2006

Finance Minister Ratu Jone Kubuabola has advised an indigenous group seeking to set up Fiji’s first Fijian commercial bank that it needs to be financially sound before anything can happen.

"Firstly the bank will have a checklist that it has to satisfy, including an initial payment in the vicinity of $10million," said the former Reserve Bank of Fiji governor.

"Capital and equities are important as you need a sound financial base," he said.

"Also as it grows one needs capital to sustain losses. They will have to come up with additional capital when required."

Ratu Jone’s comments come as a group of Fiji’s indigenous landowners seek to set up a commercial bank. The group, Viti Landowners and Resource owners Association, has approached the Reserve Bank Governor about its plan.

The association is currently meeting chiefs, clan leaders and landowners in Suva this week where this proposition is being discussed further.

If approved, the VLRA committee, led by its acting president Ratu Osea Gavidi will visit the Reserve Bank again.

Ratu Osea suggests that money raised from rent on their land would be sufficient to establish the bank along with their resources and property as collateral. The VLRA hopes to regain control over its land and resources, which it hopes to generate income from.

Although 84 per cent of land in Fiji is reserved native land, its control is with the Government via the Native Land Trust Board. Frustration over difficulties in obtaining funding from local banks to develop their resources for monetary gains has prompted these landowners to go it alone.

A representative of the Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) Dr Keith Scott pledged to forward $6billion towards the project if it was approved. Dr Scott was speaking at the landowners meeting in Suva, where he made the pledge.


The Bose ni Turaga also raised the potential for oil drilling in Fiji and raised the issue of exploration licenses that have been already issued to big name oil companies, at the expense of the real owners.

Fiji Prime Minister unveils dates for Fiji Elections.
Political parties have reservations about the provincial rolls that has been hastily published.

Beddoes raises Provisional Roll concern
Thursday March 02, 2006

United People's Party leader Mick Beddoes has voiced concerns on whether there would be enough time to correct errors in the current provisional rolls ahead of the May elections.

Beddoes said he was very concerned about the provisional rolls, because "no one wants any questions raised about this."

He said he was largely concerned with the discrepancies among Fiji’s General voter population.

Beddoes said most General voters in parts of the country were being registered in the Fijian provisional rolls instead of the General voter rolls.

"It seems that the numerators were deliberately giving them (General voters) the Fijian rolls and there was no other option given to them," he said.

He said he was also concerned "with the fact that the people who have registered after December have still to verify their name in the supplementary rolls."

However, Supervisor of Elections Semesa Karavaki said there was no reason for people to be greatly concerned about errors in the provisional rolls.

He said all the errors that have been found will be "rectified on time."

"I believe that people are really concerned about the errors that they have found in the rolls but I wish to assure you that all errors found will be corrected," Karavaki said.

He said the General voter population could only get their names in the Fijian provincial rolls if they authorised the enumerators to do so.

Karavaki said the enumerators were professionally trained and they would have properly explained the consequences of joining a certain roll.

He said it is the constitutional right of every General voter to be registered under the Fijian provincial roll if they have ancestors who were indigenous Fijians.

He said that there is no elections roll in the world that is free of errors and "the objective is to get rid of as many of them as possible."
S.D.L party spokesman is facing the brunt of legal action in Lautoka Court. Indication of his shady character. Even the recent S.D.L cash handout is raising eyebrows with the Election Office. This only raises the need for political fundraising legislation in Fiji.
The shelving of the controversial R.T.U Bill is welcomed by the Army however, the Viti Tourism and Resource Owner's Association Chairman has contigent plans for the Qoliqoli Bill which was also shelved.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Eureka Viti.

Fiji Army get brownie points for their reknown experience in Sinai and distracts public attention away from the reneging
clash of ideals with the P.S.C and the S.D.L Government.

The recent proposal to create a landowner's bank is getting financial backing from an enterprising Australian. This only further adds pressure on the existing native authorities, to reciprocate with concrete developmental action for the grass roots segment of the indigenous community who have been shortchanged by Native Land Trust Board.

Fiji Prime Minister is now defending his delay in presenting the Qoliqoli Bill in the sitting parliament amid accusations of vote-buying.
This is the least of Qarase's worries taking in account the petition from C.A.M.V political prisoners objecting to their recent merger with S.D.L party. In addition to the disturbing deficit inducing expenditure.

Other frustrated landowners are also are venting their frustrations prior to the General Elections. The lack of bonafide cultural activities in Fiji a rising concern that probably won't be realized by Fijian Affairs Board.

Club Em Designs

Monday, February 27, 2006

Back in Black.

Fiji Army Commander ratchets up the passive resistance to the current Fiji Government. It is clear that the S.D.L party will even resort to money traps to attract voters. Some political commentators have equated Fiji's situation with Zimababwe's.
Economist unravels the decline in infrastructure in Fiji and highlights the lack of planning and funding that, in-directly wards off potential investors.

Here's an interesting Letter to the Fiji Times Editor.

Fijian unity

WE have heard calls for Fijian political parties to unite.

The SDL and CAMV have united and a grand coalition of Fijian parties has been formed.

There was criticism that calls for Fijian unity are encouraging and promoting political division.

It was refreshing to hear Maika Tabukovu (FT 24/2) say that "Fijians do not need unity and that we have been fooled for too long by people calling for unity".

To think that Fijians need to unite on the basis of ethnicity is shortsighted. Fijian unity presumes that Fijians have a common cause to fight for against others but what is it?

Do Fijians have to fight for anything they do not already have under the Constitution?

There are many other bases on which Fijians can unite apart from race.

One of them is class.

Fijian workers can unite with other workers to fight for their rights, better wages and conditions and a better distribution of the national wealth.

The struggle will be against the elite and business interests which are not listening to the needs of ordinary people.

But many among the elite and businesses are Fijians.

So it will be a matter of Fijians and other workers struggling against the elite and wealthy many of whom are Fijians.

In 1986, the late Simione Durutalo, predicted that the 1987 coup would happen and Fijians would be called into ethnic solidarity.

He noted that the slogan "the cause of indigenous Fijian rights'' was a carefully and deliberately calculated strategy to call Fijians away from growing class consciousness and solidarity (represented by the rapid growth of the Labour Party at that time) and back into ethnic consciousness and ethnic solidarity (or narrow Fijian nationalism).

He noted that by the 1980s, people had started to see their problems in class terms rather than ethnic terms.

They were struggling, poor and getting low wages, not because they were Fijians, but because they belonged to the working class.

The strategy of calling Fijians into ethnic unity meant frustrating the growing class consciousness and, through misinformation and misinterpretation of fact, blame Indians for the problems facing Fijians.

Yet, many of the problems were caused by Fijian political and traditional elite, not Indians.

The elite realised that if ordinary people became united on a class basis which cut across ethnic boundaries, their wealth and privilege would be seriously called into question.

By calling for Fijian unity, they wanted an ethnic consciousness to replace a dangerous growing class consciousness.

It was they who stood to benefit from Fijian unity.

Is Durutalo's thesis still true today?

Are ordinary Fijians being fooled by calls for unity?

After all, Fijians have been in control in government for most of the years since Independence yet, what have they achieved?

The growing wealth and influence of a few privileged Fijian is in stark contrast with the deteriorating quality of life for many.

By and large, the so-called affirmative action plans do not benefit ordinary Fijians but increases inequality.

We do not need Fijian unity but Fijian parties which will fight for a better distribution of wealth and a better quality of life for all people of Fiji Fijians, Indians and Melanesians.

The collusion between some Fijian political parties and church groups to foster Fijian unity is highly suspect.

Christianity should not be used to support racial politics and narrow nationalist interests.

Semiti Qalowasa

Club Em Designs

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Narrow Margins.

Qarase faces competition for his provincial seat that, he intends to contest.
It is predictable belligerence of the Prime Minister of Fiji to deflect mistakes in the Mahogany industry which occurred on his watch.
Although there are rumors of an early elections, the discrepancies in voter registrations will cast a dark cloud over the entire process.
Fiji Inland Revenue still in logger-heads with the Auditor General's office.
Outstanding award for former Fiji resident in Australia who only widens the horizons for students by motivation.

Club Em Designs

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Jumping to Conclusions.

The issue of disappearing babies has a litany of similar cases that only further embarrasses the medical industry in Fiji. Political parties finalize their voting strategies prior to the elections.
Hopefully Fiji voters can really use the power of the ballot box to force change at all levels of Governance and Public Service which is de-teroriating due to under funding. Maybe a ratio should be legislated for minimum allowable limits. No Government can reduce spending to social services below this limit; expressed as a percentage of public expenditure.

Club Em Designs

Friday, February 24, 2006

Looming Disaster.

Fiji Army spokesman unleashes a frontal assault on the idea to have individuals involved in the 2000 coup, who have been short-listed by the G.C.C; to become President. Australian Foreign Minister continues to comment using the moral highground without considering the details in-situ. It seems that Australia is pushing itself as the Pacific's big brother. Yet acts as a stranger during trade negotiations or work visa programs.

The issue of electoral boundaries is another example of skewed democracy. This boundary commission should be taken to task for negligence.

Viti Landowners and Resources owners have unveiled a new strategy that dwarfs any proposal(if any) from the Great Council of Chiefs. It also exposes the area of wealth building that no Fijian cultural institution has ever addressed.

This quote from Pacific Islands news article on the issue of Great Council of Chiefs in Fiji.

Working on the "Power 10" raised a different set of issues. No traditional chiefs (working outside the political system) or religious leaders feature on the list. Despite leaders from these areas looming large as figures of influence in the daily lives of most Pacific Islanders, it was difficult to find any whose influence is felt on a regional basis. And we made a particular effort to look for regional leaders in these two critical areas.

As we worked on this issue, an Australian academic, Dr. Robert Norton, was quoted in regional media as saying "most members of Fiji's Great Council of Chiefs lack the academic qualifications and capacity to fulfill their role in modern-day Fiji.

"While some (chiefs) have progressive views on the sharing of power and resources, the majority have highly ethnocentric outlooks and this has enhanced the image of the council as a college of backward-looking hereditary elites."

While the question of ethnicity raised here is a challenge particular to Fiji, Norton's broader comments on the role of chiefs in a parliamentary democracy, created as you would expect, debate even beyond Fiji's borders. It's one we are destined to have for some time yet.

Club Em Designs

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Outstanding Issues in Fiji.

Fiji New Alliance party chairman is steadfast in his decision not to join the grand Fijian coalition. Disgruntled members of the C.A.M.V party, are considering legal action for the decision to merge with S.D.L party. Another thorn in Qarase's pre-election plans.

The upcoming meeting of Fiji's sub-chiefs is another indication of the changing fabric in Fiji society.
The land tenure system is now getting more attention that it deserves exposing the sad dichotomy.

Tribes seek to retain resource rights
Fiji Live: Thursday February 23, 2006

Fiji's tribal leaders have been called to an important meeting next week in a bid to win back rights over their resources.

Viti Landowners and Resource Owners Association (VLRA) Acting President Ratu Osea Gavidi says the meeting on February 28 will hear the grievances of more than 200 "turaga ni vanua" (tribal leaders).

The three-day gathering in Suva comes just before the general elections, likely to occur in April-May. Opposition to pro-indigenous Bills pertaining to fishing rights and land, obstacles to indigenous Fijian involvement in resources-based business despite their total ownership, to name a few, has prompted the call for a meeting of sub-chiefs.

"What we are trying to do is not to allow changes we are seeking to go to Parliament," said Ratu Osea.

"Because the Constitution requires that two-thirds of Parliament approve any such changes, which would be difficult to get.

"We should not allow Parliament to decide on our land, forests, fisheries and so on. The authority or say on these resources should be returned to the rightful owners."

Eighty four per cent of land in Fiji, comprising 1,487,581 million hectares, is reserved for indigenous Fijians whose global population currently stands at 400,000.

The Native land Trust Board was established in 1940 primarily to administer these native lands for the benefit of the indigenous landowner.

Ratu Osea argues that NLTB is only the trustee while the real owners are the 'turaga ni vanua'. He says the NLTB is hampered from making any changes sought by these resource owners because of the debilitating Native Land Act.

Debate over changes to land laws affecting the whole country has been an ongoing political football with no sight of an immediate solution or compromise.

The landowners now want that authority taken back from NLTB so they can make the changes themselves.

"We will decide if the NLTA or ALTA land legislations should be adopted, we will also decide if we should lease our land or use it for ourselves," Ratu Osea said.

"If outsiders come and ask we will give it to them in the true Fijian spirit if we believe he or she is the right one and will bring benefit to us."

Ratu Osea adds that resource owners have been sidelined from starting businesses although foreigners have been able to secure bank loans at the Fiji Development Bank from leases on their land.

The association is also seeking rights to native land, fishing grounds, forestry, oil, seabed and other resources that could in turn be used as collateral.

"The foreigners are coming here and doing just that," said Ratu Osea.

"The turaga ni vanua can do the same with the right advice from our educated Fijians in their specialist fields."

"We have three trillion dollars worth of resources. We just need the turaga ni vanua, the real resource owners, to unite and agree to the grand plan."

Even the Chairperson of the Great Council of Chiefs is feeling the heat of insecurity. It is time that these chiefs wake up to the fact
that their time for ruling is over. It is a fact that this G.C.C is not addressing the issues which concern the grass roots community.
Meanwhile another draconian Fiji institution (N.L.T.B) are increasing their fees, again. These are the very concerns that Fiji Resources Owner's Association Chairman Osea Gavidi had been highlighting.

The plans to spend F$16 million for a tracking program is ridiculous. These civil servants will try and buy the Nausori bridge if they had their way. Without Freedom of Information Laws and Whistle Blower statutes, these efforts are purely cosmetic.

Club Em Designs

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Accident Waiting to Happen.

The nomination of a chief involved in the 2000 Coup underlines the pathetic situation involving the Great Council of Chiefs.

Obviously the Fiji Sun Political Editor has different ideas. His reference to the G.C.C being an electoral college is slight misleading.

Fiji Military clarifies it's position on S.D.L's recent merger and proclaiming it as, ethno-nationalism at it's worst. S.I.F.M could not agree more.

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