Showing posts with label Regional hegemony by Australia and New Zealand.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Regional hegemony by Australia and New Zealand.. Show all posts

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Creaking Door Hangs The Most.

New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister, Murray McCully defense of the indefensible on TVNZ's Q& A program (video posted below)

Fiji Government's response to the Australia and New Zealand's actions. (video posted below)

Trans-Tasman cousins have demonstrated an extended series of foreign interference, undoubtedly a form of

The subject of neo-colonialism was completely addressed by former Ghana Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah, in a book: "Neo-colonialism-The Last Stage of Imperialism":
 "There are conditions which hedge it around: the conclusion of commerce and navigation treaties; agreements for economic co-operation; the right to meddle in internal finances, including currency and foreign exchange, to lower trade barriers in favour of the donor country’s goods and capital; to protect the interests of private investments; determination of how the funds are to be used; forcing the recipient to set up counterpart funds; to supply raw materials to the donor; and use of such funds a majority of it, in fact to buy goods from the donor nation.
These conditions apply to industry, commerce, agriculture, shipping and insurance, apart from others which are political and military. So-called ‘invisible trade’ furnishes the Western monopolies with yet another means of economic penetration. Over 90 per cent of world ocean shipping is controlled by me imperialist countries.

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Gerald Celente blog

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Tale of Two chiefs: Mara, the Father and Mara, the Son

From Whale Oil Beef Hooked.
Guest Post — A Tale of two chiefs: Mara, the father and Mara, the son 
by WHALEOIL on MAY 27, 2011 Thakur Ranjit Singh 
This com­men­tary, through his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tives, analy­ses the flight of Bainimarama’s for­mer right hand man, Ratu Ului Mara to Tonga and the dis­ap­point­ing role of media.

As the Air Pacific’s French built turbo prop ATR 42 glided into Apia’s Fale­olo Inter­na­tional Air­port, I was over­joyed with the prospect of vis­it­ing Nukualofa.
The year was 1988, in the after­math of Sitiveni Rabuka’s coup in Fiji which had an interim gov­ern­ment. I was an inter­nal audi­tor with the Car­pen­ter Group of Com­pa­nies which owned Mor­ris Hed­strom (MH) stores in Fiji, Apia (Molesi), and Nukualofa. I, together with my fel­low audi­tor Chat­tur Singh was sched­uled to audit MH Nukualofa after the Apia stop. 
T. R Singh On NZ Govt. Policy

"New Zealand Gov­ern­ment and John Key should take heed of this rev­e­la­tion. They have been warned not to bend rules to wel­come Ratu Ului, who still has con­nec­tions with the Mil­i­tary per­son­nel in Fiji, thus fur­ther dis­tanc­ing and pro­vok­ing Fiji."
How­ever, this dream of vis­it­ing Tonga was dashed when Tonga imposed a racially dis­crim­i­na­tory rule that Indo Fijians from Fiji were pro­hib­ited from enter­ing the King­dom. Then, Fiji’s interim Prime Min­is­ter was Ratu Ului’s father, Ratu Sir Kamis­ese Mara who was defeated in 1987 Fiji’s elec­tions by Dr Tim­oci Bavadra’s Fiji Labour Party. Bavadra’s gov­ern­ment was over­thrown on 14 May, 1987 in a coup exe­cuted by Rabuka just after a month in power. 
It had been widely spec­u­lated and also exposed by Rabuka that Ratu Sir Kamis­ese Mara was aware of the coup and had given his bless­ings for the rape of democ­racy in favour of indige­nous supe­ri­or­ity and ethno nation­al­ism. Mara Senior claimed he accepted the posi­tion of Fiji’s Interim Prime Min­is­ter because he could not stand by and watch his house burning.Ratu Sir Kamis­ese remained silent and failed to raise any objec­tion against this bla­tant racism by his cousins in Tonga against half of his sub­jects in Fiji. It there­fore should not now come as a sur­prise at accu­sa­tions that the Ton­gan gov­ern­ment aided and abet­ted the escape of Ratu Ului to Tonga by breach­ing Fiji waters, sup­pos­edly in a sea res­cue mis­sion. 
The evi­dence from the murky waters sug­gests that Ratu Ului may be less than hon­est about his escapade. His check­ing into a hotel under a false name, hid­ing his iden­tity, the cus­tom­ary pro­to­cols of fish­ing alone by a chief, and the fail­ure of respec­tive New Zealand and Fiji navies to detect any dis­tress sig­nals indi­cate that the truth is some­where out there.This case also exposed New Zealand main­stream media’s blind depen­dency on a polit­i­cal blogsite, Coup Four Point Five, which hardly resem­bles a respectable, free and inde­pen­dent media. This site has anony­mous and face­less pub­lish­ers and edi­tors whose cred­i­bil­ity has been under scrutiny by var­i­ous aca­d­e­mics and this author because of their selec­tive, unsub­stan­ti­ated and unbal­anced news-postings. 
This is Qarase’s SDL Party site tasked with get­ting the racist régime back into power under the sham of democ­racy. It is such ques­tion­able blogsite that the main­stream New Zealand media, includ­ing NZ Her­ald and TVNZ, have relied upon as a source.The Indo-Fijian bash­ing angle is used once again. With Tonga’s his­tory of racially humil­i­at­ing Indo-Fijians in 1988 with ban on entry, it is no won­der Ratu Ului had a field day in using the race card as well, where he said that Aiyaz Saiyed Khaiyum, Fiji’s Indo-Fijian Attor­ney Gen­eral was solely call­ing the shots in Fiji. 
What a gullible media fails to realise is that Fiji’s mil­i­tary is 99.95 per cent indige­nous Fijians. Of the 21 Per­ma­nent Sec­re­taries, only three are Indo-Fijians, only two min­is­ters are Indo-Fijians and other top ech­e­lons of the civil ser­vice com­prise of some 80 per cent indige­nous Fijians. Yet, Ratu Ului, sup­ported by NZ media, wishes us to believe that one Indo-Fijian had Frank Bain­i­marama in a trance. Ratu Ului is degrad­ing and sham­ing his own race by say­ing that Khaiyum single-handedly manip­u­lates Fiji’s admin­is­tra­tive, polit­i­cal and mil­i­tary machin­ery dom­i­nated by indige­nous peo­ple. This is the biggest insult hurled on indige­nous Fijians since the uncer­e­mo­ni­ous flight of Ratu Ului’s’ father from the Gov­ern­ment house.Ratu Ului’s defence of the Great Coun­cil of Chiefs (GCC) and the Methodist Church as sav­iours of democ­racy is highly laugh­able. 
These two insti­tu­tions have been the biggest threat to democ­racy, human rights and social jus­tice in Fiji. I still remem­ber, how in 1987 after Rabuka’s coup, the church­go­ers from the Methodist Church used to go and man the road­blocks which were put in place to per­se­cute non-Christians. Dur­ing 2001 Fiji elec­tions, the Assem­bly of Churches, led by the Methodist Church, took out paid adver­tise­ments, urg­ing indige­nous Fijians not to vote the hea­thens and non-believer Indo-Fijians into the lead­er­ship of the nation. Is this the Methodist Church which is now iden­ti­fied as the defender of democ­racy? The Chiefs were so immensely engrossed in pol­i­tics, sup­port­ing ethno-nationalism of George Speight that the non elected GCC lost all its cred­i­bil­ity, respectabil­ity and neu­tral advi­sory sta­tus. The GCC which had been an ini­tia­tive and legacy of the British colonists had been ban­ished by Bain­i­marama after 2006. 
Its absence had hardly been felt by the rank and file indige­nous peo­ple in the last five years.Ratu Sir Kamisese’s son, now absconded to Tonga, appears to suf­fer from mem­ory loss. In 2000, the GCC and the Methodist Church hier­ar­chy fully backed George Speight in cru­elly remov­ing his esteemed father, Ratu Sir Kamis­ese Mara as Pres­i­dent of Fiji. 
In a hugely undig­ni­fied man­ner, Ratu Sir Kamis­ese had to flee in the night, fear­ing for his life. He was trans­ported by navy boat to the safety of his home in the Lau Group, never to recover from this humil­i­a­tion. He died a very sad, bit­ter and lonely man.  What Mara’s son Ratu Ului for­gets is that this was the unkind­est act of betrayal by the Fijian chiefs against one of their great­est chiefs. 
Today, for con­ve­nience and expe­di­ency, Ratu Tevita Mara has heaped insult to the mem­ory of Ratu Sir Kamis­ese by embrac­ing and prais­ing those who had dis­graced, humil­i­ated and indi­rectly exter­mi­nated Fiji’s great­est polit­i­cal leader– his own father.Nowhere in the NZ media has there been any reports that other promi­nent busi­ness­men, bureau­crats, civil ser­vants and chiefs have gone through Fiji’s jus­tice sys­tem, so what was par­tic­u­lar about Ratu Ulai who absconded. There is hardly any men­tion of inves­ti­ga­tions and alleged fraud of $3 mil­lion from Fiji Pine Commission. 
New Zealand Gov­ern­ment and John Key should take heed of this rev­e­la­tion. They have been warned not to bend rules to wel­come Ratu Ului, who still has con­nec­tions with the Mil­i­tary per­son­nel in Fiji, thus fur­ther dis­tanc­ing and pro­vok­ing Fiji. Any such action less than six months before the Rugby World Cup, in which Fiji plays, and the gen­eral elec­tions, are not advis­able. With a siz­able Indo-Fijian pop­u­la­tion and Indi­ans and Asians sym­pa­thetic to Fiji’s cause of self deter­mi­na­tion, Key needs to play his cards wisely, before offi­ciously embroil­ing in a domes­tic squab­ble of Pacific relations. 
NZ needs to be reminded that despite his­tory bestow­ing him with this hon­our, Ratu Sir Kamis­ese Mara had not really been that last bas­tion of mul­tira­cial­ism and social jus­tice in Fiji. Nei­ther is his son Ratu Ului Mara. 
(Thakur Ran­jit Singh is a polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tor and had been through Rabuka’s and Speight’s coups. Dur­ing the lat­ter, he was the pub­lisher of Fiji’s Daily Post news­pa­per, which has since been closed because of past gov­ern­ment inter­fer­ence. He was AUT/PIMA Pasi­fika post­grad­u­ate scholar in 2009/10).

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Question Of Trust. (Updated)

In a follow up to a March 2008 SiFM posting, that highlighted the issue of Fiji veterans regarding their claims. The veterans were subsequently hung out to dry during the 1956 "Operations Grapple" .

Video of actual Operation Grapple, posted below.

Recently, the Fiji Veterans of the Christmas Island won their legal battle, according to a Fiji Times article. The excerpt of F.T article:

Veterans win case

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Justice at last ... Jone Tabaiwalu with his wife, Kacaraini Bolalevu, and daughter Lanieta Valeloloneirokotuibau at their Nasinu home yesterday. Picture: SITIVENI MOCE.

FIFTY years after the British conducted nuclear tests on Christmas Island, surviving Fiji veterans will be compensated after a British court decision ruled in their favour for compensation for ill effects they suffered.

The 60 survivors from the 289 servicemen who took part the tests between 1952 and 1958 will converge in Suva on Tuesday to decide on compensation.

"It's been a long struggle and many have gone. This is the first time for Fiji and the world where we can sue a government for the ill effects of such tests," said Jone Tabaiwalu, president of the Fiji Nuclear Test Association.

Delivering his judgment on the case at Room 73 of the London Royal Court of Justice on Friday (Fiji time), Justice David Foskett rejected arguments by the Ministry of Defence that the claims should be thrown out because they were outside the three-year time limit.

Nuclear test veteran Pita Rokoratu was accompanied by association counsel Adi Lusiana Sivo Ganilau to London earlier this year to testify in court.

The British Government were also recently forced to acknowledge the plights of retired Gurkha soldiers and allowing them to reside in the United Kingdom, according to the Guardian newspaper. The excerpt of the Guardian article:

Gurkhas win right to settle in UK

Lumley campaign succeeds as Home Office rewrites rules to give veterans with four years' service permanent residency

Gurkha veterans were today given the right to settle in the UK after an extraordinary campaign led by the actor Joanna Lumley.

The home secretary, Jacqui Smith, completed the expected U-turn by confirming that veterans who had served four years or more, their wives and dependent children could apply to come to Britain.

She said the move "recognises the unique nature" of the soldiers' service and was consistent with the government's broader immigration policy.

Lumley, who joined with Gurkhas outside the Commons to hear the announcement, praised Gordon Brown for his "brave" decision on behalf of "the bravest of the brave".

"A great injustice has been righted. The Gurkhas are coming home. ..It is a day of such exhilaration. I can hardly believe it."

Lumley, who had been briefed on the announcement in advance, visited Brown at Downing Street earlier and met Phil Woolas, the immigration minister last night, said: "It is wretched that the government has taken so long but we must remember that this is the first administration to take action. Consecutive governments ignored us, so we owe a lot to them."

Smith will reverse government guidance issued last month that made the obstacles to entry almost insurmountable for many ordinary Gurkha soldiers, who are traditionally recruited from Nepal.

Smith is changing the rules to allow entry into the UK for Gurkhas previously excluded because they retired from the regiment before 1997, provided they have served with the British army for at least four years.

She promised 1,400 outstanding applications would be processed "as a matter of urgency''.

Smith told the Commons: "Generations of Gurkhas have served the United Kingdom with great courage, sacrifice and distinction and they continue to make a vital and valued contribution to our operations around the world."

Smith said she expected up to 15,000 Gurkhas would come to Britain over the next two years, but they would not get the same pension rights as those who retired after 1997.

The Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg, whose Commons motion led directly to the rapid change of heart by ministers, said: "Gordon Brown has finally woken up to the principle that people across Britain understand instinctively: if someone is prepared to die for this country, they must be allowed to live in it.

"Tragically this decision will come too late for many of those brave Gurkhas who have been waiting so long to see justice done.

"Gordon Brown's claim of a 'moral compass' rings hollow when, on every issue from Gurkhas to expenses, he has to be dragged every inch of the way towards doing the right thing."

Chris Grayling , the shadow home secretary, said: "First and foremost this case has been about basic decency. People from around the world have to come to live in this country in the past decade.

"There was never a justification to deny that right to a group of people who have lived long in the nation's affections, and who have risked and often given their lives for its protection.

"It is just a shame that the government had to be dragged kicking and screaming through the courts and then through the crowds of Gurkhas outside parliament before it finally did the right thing."

The turnaround came after the government suffered its first big defeat last month by 21 votes, as 27 Labour rebels joined the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats in demanding equal residency rights for all Gurkha soldiers.

Al Jazeera news footage (posted below)capture the elated reactions of the retired Gurkhas, once the news of the decision became public.

The British Government is also not the only country forced to re-look and re-engineer their policy on veteran's welfare and related affairs. US veterans are in no better position than their Atlantic allies, considering the Walter Reed fiasco. A Waco Tribune article reports that an army veteran is living in a shed.

In 2001, the French Government was also forced to examine the past injustices on migrant soldiers from Africa, according to a BBC news article.

The French case of injustice to veterans were dramatized in a wonderful movie titled "Days Of Glory". The trailer of the movie is posted below.

While the issue of pensions have been addressed by the UK and French Courts. What is interesting, is the subject of pensions also intersects the abuse trust and finances.

On The Media (OTM) podcast titled "Grade Inflation" examines the role of Ratings Agencies and their role in the sub-prime fiasco, where numerous pension funds had invested in, on account of the flawed AAA ratings, allocated to the mortgage backed securities. Podcast available on player below.

This American Life (T.I.A)podcast also raises the issue of trust among those rating agencies, that seemed to have grossly failed on many different occasions and many different levels; resulting in the most catastrophic economic meltdowns in the world's history.

Trust was a commodity in short supply, as the economic balloon began inflating; as the banks and mortgage brokers went on a high-stakes binge, fueled by the greed of Wall Street and the collusion of Federal regulating institutions. US President Barack Obama is keenly aware of the failure of regulation and his latest proposal to reform the financial industry, was unveiled by Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geitner.

CQ Politics article outlines the role, some of Obama's financial advisers played in the creating the perfect storm of economic calamity.
According to Los Angeles Times article, Wall Street is not buying it; Wall Street are also wary of their reputation among the middle class who have seen their equity and pension plans wither before their very eyes.

The subject of trustworthiness of regulators, as T.I.A outlined in the podcast, also has bearing in Fiji; with respect to 283 pending cases against Fiji Lawyers, as a Fiji Live article reports.

The excerpt of the F.L article:

New unit to probe Fiji lawyers
June 12, 2009 08:20:49 AM

A special unit within the office of the Chief Registrar will be set up to investigate the 283 pending cases against lawyers.

This follows the downgrading of the Fiji Law Society to a voluntary body with the issuance of the Legal Practitioners Decree.

Acting Chief Registrar Ana Rokomokoti said her office receives five complaints per day on average against lawyers. “Some of the complaints lodged against lawyers dates back to 2000 which were pending before the Fiji Law Society for action,” she told FijiLive.

The complaints against lawyers include malpractice, misconduct, deliberate attempts to delay cases, trust fund account violations, incompetence, negligence, discrepancy with costs charged to clients, failure to follow client’s instructions and failure to communicate with clients.

Raw Fiji News blog posting, also raises the issue about Twitter and its use in Fiji, implying that Iran's situation was similar to Fiji.

In a rather adequate response to that RFN claim, was neatly addressed by a Michael Madden's post on Salon.
Not long ago, Republicans were talking about attacking Iran. Now they think Obama doesn't love Iran enough

Undeniably, those like the Republicans, are queuing up to capitalize on Iran's domestic situation, to shore up their own political position in Fiji; which raises the trust issue yet again.

Croz Walsh latest blog posting, addresses the issue of Trust, in deciphering the intentions of the Trans-Tasman nations, as friendly or unfriendly in their engagements with Fiji. An OP-Ed by World has accurately outlined the back ground story of Fiji's political situation.

One concerning aspect of the recent foreign policy of both Trans-Tasman nations, is their incessant megaphone diplomacy in the region; as if the island states within the area were
an extension of their empire and more recently NZ Foreign Minister had to poke his nose into the recent developments in Iran.

The neo-colonist interference by these Trans-Tasman bullies is multi-faceted. One thrust is to poison the Sino-Viti bi-lateral relationship, as reported in Australian Network News article.

The other, constant hectoring through the media-the Australian and New Zealand media.
If criticizing Fiji was a favorite past time, both Trans-Tasman nations would take the prize as being the most vocal and belligerent.

Even Micheal Field the disgraced journalist, was among those echoing the news of S & P down grading the investment ratings of Fiji. Ironically, it was S & P among other agencies, which gave the Mortgage backed Securities an AAA rating and the end result is the quantitative easing, of the Global Financial Collapse. This whole affair brings us back to the question of Trust and the abuse of it by these ratings agencies.

Although, both Australian and New Zealand's Foreign Minister were quoted in NZ radio web article, as being concerned about Fiji's economy, because it was allegedly on the decline; what was omitted was that, their own economies are also being disintegrated by the Global Financial Collapse, according to Bloomberg.

What is not being questioned, is the Trans-Tasman moves to fast-track the highly controversial PACER-Plus negotiations for a Free-Trade deal with the Pacific Islands.

An ABC Australia web article quotes from Australian Trade Minister, Simon Crean who has a pollyannic outlook on the PACER-Plus negotiations in Apia and often used the buzz words: "level of trust", "capacity building", "genuinely desire to make this work".

These sultry words are almost equivalent to the one-liners, used by Wall Street Brokers to sell junk bonds to the unaware. Undoubtedly, the Australia Trade Minister, Simon Crean comes across in the ABC interview; as the type of person, who sells steak knives and food processing equipment on late night TV.

The excerpt of ABC article:

Varied reaction to PACER Plus negotiation timeline

Australian Trade Minister Simon <span class=Crean is strongly in favour of Pacific free trade negotiations. [ABC]" title="Australian Trade Minister Simon Crean is strongly in favour of Pacific free trade negotiations. [ABC]">

Australian Trade Minister Simon Crean is strongly in favour of Pacific free trade negotiations. [ABC]

AUDIO from Pacific Beat

Pacific trade

Created: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 12:51:40 GMT-0700

Jemima Garrett

Last Updated: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 14:50:00 +1000

Samoa's Associate Trade Minister Jo Keil says all the Ministers at the Pacific Trade Ministers meeting in Apia are happy with the decision to recommend that negotiations for a PACER Plus trade agreement begin this year.

A joint statement issued by the Ministers stressed the importance of progressing PACER Plus as a means of underpinning the economic security of the region.

Samoan Minister Jo Keil said all the ministers were happy with the decision to recommend negotiations start this year.

"Very friendly and very good," he said. "I was there, we were there the whole time and we got along very well - the ministers were all friends." Pacific Australian and New Zealand civil society organisations represented in Apia say the Pacific ministers conceded too much to Australia and New Zealand.

Spokesperson Maureen Penjuelli said none of their concerns had been addressed. The organisations will ask Pacific leaders to use their meeting in Cairns in August to delay PACER negotiations.

ABC podcast (posted below in MP3 player) interviews the Samoan Associate Trade Minister, Joe Keil and PANG Coordinator, Maureen Penjuelli. Both interviewees were present at the Apia Trade talks. However, Penijuelli who met with several other Trade Ministers found a sense of disappointment among them. The PANG Coordinator also disputes the label of general concensus, as described by the Australian and Samoan Trade Minister.

Fiji, one the largest economies in the region was recently excluded from the recent talks held in Apia, Western Samoa as reported in Fiji Live article, including the reaction from the Interim Attorney General.

The excerpt of F.L article:

Fiji regrets trade talk exclusion: AG

June 20, 2009 03:21:01 PM

Fiji’s Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum has labeled as “regretful” Fiji’s exclusion from regional trade talks in Samoa, which ends today and questioned the motives of big brothers Australia and New Zealand.

“Fiji’s exclusion from regional trade talks has the potential to adversely impact on the country’s economic development by affecting its regional trade and economic integration, thereby hurting its most vulnerable and disadvantaged citizens,” Sayed Khaiyum said today in a statement.

“Fiji is a party to PACER (Pacific Closer Economic Relations) having signed and ratified the Agreement in 2001. The decision to exclude Fiji from discussions under PACER is a violation of her rights under the treaty," he added.

"Any decisions reached by the Forum members in the absence of Fiji on PACER are legally challengeable under the principle of ‘consensus’ espoused by the treaty and the Pacific Islands Forum in general and will not be legally binding on Fiji.

European Union funded trade talks among members of the Pacific Islands Forum had kicked off in Samoa on June 6, a two weeks event which excluded Fiji. This was a direct result of its suspension in April from Forum membership. Sayed-Khaiyum said it was a regret that Fiji, being one of the founding members of the Forum, had to be excluded from these talks.

Fiji Times article also reports on the reaction of Fiji's Government.

Whether or not these neighbours are genuinely concerned about the welfare of the inhabitants is highly questionable. What these Trans-Tasman nations have banked their hopes on and the recovery of their own domestic economies is, the trade with Pacific Island nations and the most convenient vehicle to back their budgetary projections on, is cementing these free-trade deals with the Pacific Island states, whether they want it or not.

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Moving Fiji Forward-A Video.

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