Over the past few years, attitudes towards telecommunications in the Pacific have shifted. Complacent monopolies are being replaced by greater policy engagement, and a more competitive marketplace. Wireless networks are significantly cheaper to roll out than cable-based ones, especially in areas lacking significant road and power networks. As wireless capabilities increase, so too do revenue opportunities as we are now seeing with the delivery of data services via mobile phone networks.
Courtesy of Croz Walsh blog regarding Samoan PM's recent comments about an invitation to Interim Fiji P.M, Frank Bainimarama, reported by Scoop article.
PM Tuilaepa ‘invites’ Bainimarama to Samoa for dialogue
8:53 August 31, 2009Articles, Fiji, Pacific Headlines, Samoa
By Tupuola Terry Tavita in Apia
Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi has suggested possible ways in which to re-engage with the Fiji interim government following the Pacific Islands Forum’s reaffirmation of its membership suspension in Cairns earlier this month.
The Prime Minister says in an interview with the Samoan government newspaper Savali it would be useful for the interim Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama to come to Apia for a talanoa (talk) session with him.
“There are plenty of direct flights between Fiji and Samoa and I would personally invite him over for a chat if he would come,” the Prime Minister said.
“I guarantee his safety and diplomatic immunity,” said Prime Minister Tuilaepa.
“In fact, he’ll be treated in chiefly fashion.”
During such a visit, the Prime Minister said, he would take Bainimarama around the country, giving him an insight into how things are done in Samoa.
“The Samoan traditional systems of government are along similar lines as in Fiji,” said Tuilaepa.
“Fiji’s ratu system and Samoa’s matai system have similar foundations and social underpinnings. The Samoan matai system dates back more than 3000 years and is still vibrant and relevant to this day.
“I want Bainimarama to see for himself whether there are ways that we do things in Samoa that could help resolve the current situation in Fiji.
“Bainimarama may be disenchanted with Fiji’s traditional chiefs, but the matai like the ratu of Fiji are by culture and by virtue the decision-makers of the people. It’s a system you have to work with and improve, not work against.
“I’ve also been told that Bainimarama has some Samoan connection … so this is perhaps an ideal opportunity for him to get in touch with his roots here. Who knows, he may want to be bestowed a Samoan chiefly title.”
For instance, there was the Tuilaepa title in Samoa, the Prime Minister said, which compares to the Tuilakepa title of Tonga and the Tui of the Lakemba Islands in Fiji. This was one possibility, the Prime Minister said.
Such a visit, he added, would also allow the commodore to observe Samoa’s modern government, and governance practices.
“We have a lot of opposition here. A lot of newspapers who often publish nonsense about government and government policy. Our media also think that I say similar things about them. But we get along fine. We talk, we smile at each other and we pray together. No hard feelings.”
A visit to Samoa by the Fiji interim Prime Minister, Tuilaepa said, would also be an indication that dialogue and lines of communication between the region and the global community with the Fiji interim government were still open.
“Fiji is not being abandoned nor cast adrift. It’s up to the commodore if he wants to engage in dialogue.”
The Prime Minister said that he has some understanding of the motives behind the 2006 coup, but the fact is, no democratic system of government in any country is perfect. It is why, he said, all democratically-elected governments have proactive systems of controls, checks and balances.
Tuilaepa concedes that democracy has its faults. However, he said, “until a better system is developed, democracy is still the most representative, most transparent system of government available.”
“If Bainimarama is sincere in his good intentions and hope for his people, then he should swiftly return Fiji to democracy. He should immediately stop suppressing the media, immediately cease suppressing people’s right to free speech and freedom of opinion and stop interfering with the church and people’s rights to religion and worship. He should also immediately refrain from interfering with the judiciary and justice system. These are the very pillars of democracy.”
The longer Bainimarama forcefully stayed in office, Tuilaepa said, the deeper the economic, social and governance problems would be for Fiji.
“He may have wrested power from the former government to clean up corruption, but governments are human institutions where corruption is inherent in all its forms and manifestations. We are already seeing signs of corruption in his own interim government. The only way to combat corruption is to have in place the appropriate systems of controls, checks and balances that can only be established through acts of Parliament under a democratic government.”
“No aid donor or funding agency in their right minds will throw money at countries ruled by military regimes brought to power via a military coup.”
Prime Minister Tuilaepa admitted that he had a “soft spot” for Fiji as he had had many Fijian friends and colleagues throughout his long political and diplomatic career.
“They are our neighbours and we share a common history, ancestry and culture. If all else fails and Bainimarama refuses to budge, then it might come down to a development none of us in the Pacific would want to see.”
Tupuola Terry Tavita is editor of the Samoan government newspaper Savali.
The issue of Samoan P.M, Tuilaepa's overreaching statements about Fiji has been raised by an earlier SiFM post. As the SiFM post alluded to the domestic opposition facing Tuilaepa and his brain child of changing driving laws from LHS to RHS and the accompanying political firestorm.
Unsurprisingly, Tuilaepa's future may hinge crucially on the outcome of this ill-thought out program for Western Samoa and the lagging financial hidden costs, among legal eventualities-two areas which are seemingly unaccounted for or simply swept under the rug, to cater for this faulty premise.
A Wall Street Journal (WSJ)video outlines the dimensions of the loggerheads regarding the issue of Samoa's change of driving laws effective Sept. 7th 2009. (posted below).
Unfortunately, Tuilaepa's plan sailed through the "democratic elected" Parliament of nobles, undoubtedly with some Trans-Tasman acquiescence and horse trading. The concept of plan B was supposed to supplement the PACER Plus revenues, based on the assumption that, the global economy was to remain steadfast or grow more based on consumer demand.
Realistically the free trade negotiations with South Pacific island nations, was founded on a sweet heart deal, signed sealed and delivered. Today, neither holds true-not the lofty financial spreadsheets using flawed data, nor the veneer of democracy using erroneous computational models generated by Wall Street, with the collusion of US Congress.
Apparently, Fiji derailed that pie-in-the-sky free trade negotiations, and the very concept is now facing sterner resistance by island states among others, recognizing the dangers of unfettered imports and the blantant absence of checks and balances.
Now that plan B is now plan A, since the PACER Plus negotiations is basically on ice in some quasi government official/private consultant's office. That outcome was projected considering the Melanesian Spearhead Group's (MSG) recent public positions, subsequent to their meet in Suva, according to a Solomon Star article.
MELANESIAN Spearhead Group country members agree that Fiji should be included in PACER-Plus trade negotiations.
Ahead of the Melanesian Spearhead Group Foreign Ministers meeting in Suva yesterday, country members said Fiji should be included despite its suspension from the Pacific Islands Forum.
“MSG leaders believe Fiji should be part of the PACER-Plus discussion taking into account their legal opinion,” Mr Ravusiro said.
Fiji was suspended from the Forum in March for not meeting a forum deadline on holding elections.
It was than excluded from negotiations on the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER)-Plus.
However, Mr Ravusiro said there had been positive development shown by Australia and New Zealand with regards to their stand against Fiji.
“At least there has been some improvement shown after they considered Fiji to be part of the negotiation on the two regional trade agreements,” Mr Ravusiro said.
Fiji said it has every legal right to be part of the negotiations meetings and that its role in such trade agreements is separate to its Forum status.
Australia, New Zealand and Samoa have led the push to exclude Fiji from negotiations despite criticism of this.