The Monasavu case the Lawyers for the victimized landowners fire their opening salvo, in the F$52 million Law suit.

Isireli Fa the Principal Lawyer is being summoned as a witness to the double dealing by Fiji government.
Even the so called Fiji experts in commerce need a Consultant for a corporate overhaul.
It also questions the very abilities of those in Government finance positions. C'mon that's your job the consultant is doing. Like the Peter Principle, these buffoons justify their incompetance by shifting the blame to another scape goat of inefficiency in Fiji, the board of Directors.
This consultant should also access the Fijian framework of Provincial councils. And report in detail, the extent of the mess there too.

Tuinavitilevu chiefly post is to be filled by the son of the dearly departed chief. A serious flaw in the handing over process of the reigns, which goes against the grain of Viti culture.
In the wake of this new Employment Relations Bill, another strike notice is issued by the Fiji Electricity Authority unions.
There are 4 different Employee catergories in F.E.A. They are: Unestablished staff, Established staff, Senior staff and Executive staff. The first strike notice was from a union repesenting a portion of the unestablished staff. This new strike notice has the backing of the Staff Union.
Strikes are besides the bigger problems, like Fiji's pathetic economic position driven by unrealistic policies by Qarase.
The proposed cross-media ownership in Fiji will bring up serious questions of audience market segments and defining local content in advertising, as well in broadcast media. These are issues that affect everyone in Fiji.

According to the Fiji Government officials Freedom of Information Laws are in the proverbial pipeline.!Yeah, so is my million dollar check
Club Em Designs
Great blog. I love the Qarase cartoon. Absolutely perfect. Will be back.