More details surounding the execution of the 2000 coup is revealed by participants. Details of a cover-up by police is sketchy but possible. Having a
30 page document condensed to just 7 pages by the Fiji Police is
technically tampering with evidence. I now understand Inspector William Driver's comments recently which glosses over the details of the written confessions.
Monasavu Landowners file Lawsuit against the Fiji Government.

This is going to be a
cracker and it has demonstrated that Landowners are getting
empowered to fight for these
long standing claims and about time too, for certain this will definately shed light on the dubious practices of
Native Lands Trust Board who have lobbied to keep the case out of court and is following up with
amendments to the Native Lands Act to
prevent Landowners from taking legal action against them.
Methodist Church in Fiji keep trying to change laws as well, maybe it's distracting maneuvers from their
gross ineptitude in the spritual department and making up for their inadequacies in the political sphere. This applies to the G.C.C as well who is
raising petty Marijuana issues derived from uneven the economic fruits that they themselves enjoy at the expense of the massses.
G.C.C has no powers or solutions to the problem to eradicate their conerns. So what good are they, at all? Did the G.C.C fight for the rights of the Monasavu landowners? No.
The G.C.C are the proverbial establishment who are looking after their own interests! Not the common Fijian landowner. Thus, the perilous ledge which the future of the Fijian race is perched.
Fiji's terrible
credit rating is an utter embarassment and a reflection on those in the Ministry of Finance. A nation her size in relation to her appitite for financial debt, driven by the unrealistic policies of Qarase and his cohorts. If that is not enough, Qarase is tabling another tacky
Employer Relations Bill that probably erodes the power of Unions.
Qarase's S.D.L Party is now
officially one of built on utter disrepute after details of the
Agricultural Scheme points to the helm. Fiji Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources are scurrying around to
improve "slave type" wage levels to deter the threats of strike by E.G.M Miner's union.
A National
Library in Fiji is long overdue. Albeit most welcome.
Politicians must remember Libraries must be established along with a viable recruitment system for Librarians and the necessary funds for procuring updated books and equipment.