Tuesday, September 17, 2024

COVID mRNA Injury: 21-Year-Old University Student Received an “Impossible Cancer Diagnosis” (Pancreatic Cancer) and Was Given Weeks to Live

Alexandra Angeles Caycho, 21, was told she has days to live after being diagnosed with Stage Three pancreatic cancer, with the tumour unable to be removed due to its location.











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Monday, September 16, 2024

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order
















Food, Dispossession and Dependency.

Resisting the New World Order



Colin Todhunter


We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of …

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Chemtrails and “Forever Chemicals”. Peter Koenig

“Forever Chemicals” are toxic and circulating to various degrees in our bloodstreams – and in food, soil, water, rain, and air. Most of us have no idea. The revelation was made only relatively recently, while the PFAS – as they …

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How the War on Gaza Exposed Israeli and Western Fascism

Introductory Text by Paul Larudee. “Please Don’t Say Genocide”

Tsk, tsk. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, more than half children, have died in Gaza, but only 41,000 are counted by name as having been killed. That is because the rest …

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Person of Interest? The Detention of journalist Kit Klarenberg

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).

To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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Video: U.S. Admits Breaking Putin-Zelensky Peace Deal? Victoria Nuland’s Shocking Anti-Biden Claims

Former US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland confirmed that the US, UK, and other Western allies advised Ukraine to reject the 2022 Istanbul peace talks deal with Russia.

The agreement would have limited Ukraine’s military capabilities while leaving Russia …

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Victoria Nuland Admits US Discouraged Ukraine From Signing Peace Deal with Russia in 2022

Former US State Department official Victoria Nuland has acknowledged that the US discouraged Ukraine from signing a peace deal with Russia during the early days of the Russian invasion.

Nuland, who recently resigned from her post as Under Secretary of …

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WHO Approves First Mpox Vaccine for Adults in Africa — Then Says Babies Can Get It, Too, Despite No Clinical Trials

The World Health Organization (WHO) today approved the first mpox vaccine for use in adults — and also said it can be used for babies, children, teens and pregnant women if they are in “outbreak settings where the benefits of …

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dietro il Dibattito Harris-Trump

Nel dibattito tra i due candidati alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti, Kamala Harris ha dichiarato: “L’agenda di Putin non riguarda solo l’Ucraina. Gli Alleati europei sono grati che noi comprendiamo l’importanza della più grande alleanza militare che il mondo abbia …

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Agenda to Depopulate the Planet Through COVID Vaccination. Revealed by Government Reports and Pfizer Documents


First published on October 5, 2023

If an experimental vaccine were to damage the heart and immune system in a significant number of individuals who received it, it is possible that it could lead to a decline in the …

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Friday, September 13, 2024

Biden Might Decide Today Whether or Not to Initiate WW3 Against Russia

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, the man who as the UK’s Chief Prosecutor made the decisions to prosecute and imprison and keep in prison Julian Assange, is now on September 13th visiting the White House in order to …

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What Happened on the Planes on September 11, 2001? The 9/11 Commission “Script” Was Fabricated

The following article published twenty years ago, in August 2004 refutes the 9/11 Commission script as to what actually happened on the planes.

Much of this  detailed information was based on alleged cell phone conversations between passengers and family members.…

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Regime de Kiev pede apoio de Londres em ataques com mísseis de longo alcance.

Kiev já não esconde o seu desespero para ser autorizado a atacar alvos na “Rússia profunda”. Depois de vários pedidos falhados de autorização por parte dos EUA, o regime pediu às autoridades britânicas que apoiassem a sua exigência, alegando que …

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Genocide in the Foreground, World War Looming in the Background

If I were to describe our present geopolitical situation in ten words or less it would be “Genocide in the foreground, world war looming in the background.”

While attention is justifiably focused on the present horrors in Gaza and the …

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Government Wants to Agree to “Digital Coercion”. An Agreement to Force 8 Billion People into a World Controlled by Digital Corporations

In two weeks, our government wants to agree to a global pact for digital coercion.

On September 22 and 23, a UN Future Summit prepared by the German and Namibian governments will take place in New York. A global digital …

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Mercenários colombianos dizem a verdade sobre a xenofobia ucraniana.

A vida dos mercenários que lutam pela Ucrânia parece estar a tornar-se cada vez mais difícil. Além do risco de morte no campo de batalha, os cidadãos estrangeiros enfrentam problemas dentro da própria Ucrânia, pois são vítimas do racismo neonazista …

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Hace 51 años: Chile, 11 de septiembre de 1973: Los ingredientes de un golpe militar

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Why So Much Media Attention for Venezuela? “Elected” vs. “Unelected” Presidents Latin America. Violent Regime Change

Media manipulation is not only about what is said, but also about what is covered and what is not. The recent events in Venezuela are a good illustration of this.


Dear reader, do you know the president of Peru? …

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Protecting the Merchants of Death: The Australian Police Effort for Land Forces 2024

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Regime de Kiev admite ter enviado soldados mal treinados para a linha da frente.

O regime de Kiev já não esconde as suas práticas militares anti-humanitárias. Numa declaração recente, o chefe das forças armadas ucranianas admitiu que soldados mal treinados são enviados para a linha da frente, o que aumenta claramente o risco de …

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