Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Analysis of Moscow’s SMO and the Ukraine War Theatre: Interview with Ret. Colonel Karapandžin

InfoBRICS interviewed many reputable military experts regarding the direction in which the special military operation (SMO) is headed and how it’s been going so far. These pundits have not only shown profound understanding of military processes in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian …

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Greasing Palms: The Thales Defense Group Blueprint for Corruption

It is a point verging on the trite: an arms corporation suspected of engaging in corrupt practices, spoiling dignitaries and officials and undermining the body politic.  But one such corporation is France’s Thales defence

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Millions of People Threatened as Funds for Humanitarian Aid Fall to Record Low

At a time when trillions of dollars are being wasted annually on weapons, high luxury and wasteful consumption as well gigantic projects of highly suspect usefulness, the most urgently needed funds to save human lives, including those of children, in …

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Cuba, the Island of Olympic Champions

Before 1959, Cuba had a modest record of five Olympic medals, four of them gold, won in Paris in 1900, Saint-Louis in 1904 and London in 1948. At the time, sport was far from being a government priority, and the …

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France – The Satanic Olympics. The Macron Government Belongs to a Diabolical Cult

“The opening ceremony of the Olympics felt like the closing ceremony of humanity.”  —@KimDotcom

Fearless Archbishop Vigano has the following to say to the Olympic Games opening ceremony travesty:

“It is no coincidence that the one sponsoring this revolting …

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The US Pressures Armenia to Buy Gas From Azerbaijan Instead of Russia

Ambassador Samantha Power, former US Ambassador to the UN, and now director of USAID, an office of the US State Department, traveled to Armenia on July 10 to strong-arm Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan into buying gas from Azerbaijan, instead …

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The South Korean ‘Spy’ Affair. John Kiriakou

The major media outlets earlier this month ran breathless headlines about a former C.I.A. officer “caught spying for South Korea.” 

The BBC, for example, wrote “Ex-CIA Analyst Charged with Spying for South Korea.”  The Los Angeles Times wrote, “Sloppy …

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UK in Grip of Top Down Starvation Policy

After three months of relentless rain from March to the end of May 2024 covering much of the productive land in the UK, farmers found themselves months behind getting their Spring crops in the soil.

Many of these farms are …

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Monday, July 29, 2024

Suspend Israel from the United Nations!

For most normal people, seeing war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu — the man commanding the ONGOING genocide campaign in Gaza — would send them into a fit of rage. U.S. lawmakers, however, rose to their feet with roaring applause to celebrate …

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The Olympic Games: Perennially Costly and Always Over Budget

Another entertainingly corrupt sporting event has just started in Paris, opening with a barge packed ceremony on the Seine.  Thousands of simpering commentators, paid-up media gawkers and bored influencers have been ready with their computers, phones and confected dreams.  As …

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The Criminality of Prime Minister Netanyahu: Global South Sees U.S. Congress Hail Israeli Killer of 39,000 of Their People Mostly Women and Kids

The Health Ministry in Gaza reports that as of the end of July, 2024, more than 39,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been slaughtered in Gaza by the Israeli military using hegemon U.S.A.’s mighty weapons of mass destruction.[1]

A …

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Rule of Law Protects Civil Rights and Is the Foundation of Democracy. Canada’s “Witch Hunt” against China’s Interference

Honorable Marie-Josée Hogue and counsel of the commission of the Public Inquiry Into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions

Thank you for soliciting public consultation so that I can have the opportunity to explain my observation.

My …

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China Succeeds in the Middle East While the US Fails

Once again, China steps on to the global diplomatic stage, in the absence of US involvement, and brokered a ground-breaking agreement between rival factions in Palestine. Following the March 2023 reconciliation between Middle East powerhouse Saudi Arabia and Iran signed …

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Polish General Leon Komornicki Says Ukraine and Poland Cannot Defeat Russia in War, Poland’s Defense Minister Accuses Ukraine of 1941-1943 Massacre of Poles in Vollhynia

Believing that Ukraine can defeat Russia is a “mistake,” said former deputy chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, Major General Leon Komornicki. Yet, despite this reality being highlighted by Komornicki, among other experts, Warsaw and …

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Hungary and Slovakia React to Ukrainian Hostility

As predicted by several experts, Hungary’s patience with Ukraine has run out. Budapest has announced that it will block EU aid funds to Kiev until the neo-Nazi regime resumes the transit of Russian oil to Hungary and Slovakia. The move …

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La Democrazia Elettorale Usa: Dollari, Voti Truccati e Proiettili

La direttrice dei Servizi Segreti USA, Kimberly A. Cheatle, si è dimessa dal suo incarico per l’incapacità dimostrata di proteggere Donald Trump dall’attentato. Nell’audizione al Congresso ha rifiutato di dire quanti agenti erano addetti alla protezione di Trump e …

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Georgia Is the Next Country That Might Face a High-Profile Assassination Attempt

Aware that the window of opportunity for destabilizing their country might soon close, the Georgian Legion might desperately try to carry out a high-profile assassination attempt in the near future, even if it isn’t against the ruling party’s founder but …

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Offener Brief an Ungarischer Präsident Viktor Orbán

Vielleicht erinnern Sie sich an die alternative Friedenskonferenz am 12. Juni 2024 in Flühli, Schweiz, die von einer Gruppe für „Gegenseitiges Friedensengagement“ (“Mutual Peace Engagement”) organisiert wurde, mit wahren Vertretern der USA / NATO, Russlands, Deutschlands und der Schweiz – …

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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Selected Articles: Modi’s Visit to Moscow Debunks Myths About Putin’s So-called Isolation

Modi’s Visit to Moscow Debunks Myths About Putin’s So-called Isolation

By Ahmed Adel, July 11, 2024

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official visit to Moscow has debunked the West’s allegation that Russian President Vladimir Putin is isolated from the …

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Terminating Asylum Partnerships, “Resettling Refugees”: The UK Ends the “Rwanda Solution”

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