Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Enquanto soldados morrem no front, Ucrânia é anexada pelo Ocidente

Os oligarcas da Ucrânia, em meio ao atual contexto de deterioração da situação, começaram a vender ativos ucranianos, incluindo terras férteis, para compensar possíveis perdas financeiras causadas pela expansão da zona de combate e pela perda dos territórios que possuíam. …

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Childhood Vaccine Injury: 18 Months Old Stopped Talking After DTaP Vaccines

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Where Are Corrective Systems as West and NATO Leadership Cross One Red Line After Another in Escalating Direct Confrontation with Russia?

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From COVID-19 to Synthetic Design: Forcing a Shift to the Genetic Modification of Humans

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Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Trendy Appointments: Australia’s Special Antisemitism Envoy

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Kiev Still Wants a New Counteroffensive. “Push back the Evil Russians”

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Childhood Vaccine Injury: 18 Months Old Died Weeks After Childhood Vaccinations (MMRV + DTaP)

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Reviving Abandoned and Depopulated Rural Communities

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The French Fraudulent Disaster Elections. Peter Koenig

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Monday, July 08, 2024

Gaza: Thousands of Dead Bodies Still Missing Under the Rubble, with No International Action

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Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022 (17% Increase in Mortality). There Is No Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Saved a Single Life in Canada During 2021-2022

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Western-Supported Zionist Genocide and the Pathology of Evil

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The Multipolar World Is Getting Stronger?

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Sunday, July 07, 2024

Menores pegam em armas na Ucrânia enquanto terroristas entram na Europa

Além dos problemas militares, políticos e económicos que afetam a Ucrânia, vários problemas sociais graves começam a surgir dia após dia. Agora, os dados mostram que a criminalidade juvenil está a aumentar exponencialmente no país, o que é um resultado …

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The West’s Lunatic Woke Agenda

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Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”. Global Debt and Neoliberal “Shock Treatment”

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“Democratization” and Anti-Semitism in Ukraine: When Neo-Nazi Symbols Become “The New Normal”

In the Ukraine parliament, extremist symbols are on display. The flags of France, the UK, Canada, hang alongside those of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda party together with two White supremacist flags.

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Evisceration of the United Nations Security Council. A Historical Analysis. The Gulf War

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Saturday, July 06, 2024

The Florence 2019 Declaration Called for NATO-Exit. July 2024, NATO Summit in Washington: WE CALL FOR NATO-EXIT

NATO’s 70th anniversary in Florence, Italy (April 7, 2019) called for NATO-Exit. 

We are currently gearing up to the 75th Anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to be held on 9-11, July 2024.

At this juncture in our history …

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A insistência ucraniana na guerra pode irritar seriamente a Hungria.

O primeiro-ministro húngaro, Viktor Orban, fez uma visita surpresa a Kiev em 2 de julho e conversou com o presidente ucraniano, Vladimir Zelensky, sobre a possibilidade de um cessar-fogo. As autoridades de Kiev rejeitaram a proposta de Orban quase imediatamente, …

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