Friday, November 18, 2005

Endless Double Standards.

Monasavu Landowner's lawyer discloses the formula for wealth distribution when Fiji Electricity Authority pays up forced by the High Court Order.

Fiji Prison Commissioner is at again releasing convicted criminals before their debt to society has been served. This P.C is a puppet to the political masters, and only presents
a damaging picture of cronyism and interference to civil service.
It's only a matter of time before the rest of those convicted for involvement in the 2000 coup are given the same Compulsory Supervision Order.

Native Land Trust Board is scheming on another way to rip off Fijian landowning units, like they did to the Monasavu case. Landowners are more educated and will demand a place at the negotiating table.

Club Em Designs

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Power hunger in Fiji.

The issue of who owns Fiji's National Anthemn is really a petty argurement for Intellectual Property owners called 'The Composers' to decide. Not bystanders!

Not even the Fiji Government can deny that fundamental international respected right, from the composers.

Qarase finally bites the bullet and distances himself from the Methodist Chruch's intentions.

Senators have come to their senses and forces the Mining Industry under the auspices of Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Minister of Home Affairs has acquired the nasty habit of speaking from the orifice of the nether regions. In the process, has tarnished the image of the entire cabinet via stupid remarks in the media.

Another issue of concern to Stuck in Fiji Mud, is the clash between individuals anchored to archaic institutions which is a barrier to independent Government, free from social stratification, which prevents social mobility for commoners.

Cultural appeasing chiefs in Fiji by the Government, is the single biggest's reason why Fiji's economy has not risen much in 30 years.
Everyone else's career aspirations takes a back seat, so does the creative core needed to rejuvenate Fiji lagging export statisitics.

With all due respect to Chiefs, but there is no way on this planet, that Chiefs can successfuly undertake that intellectual taxing capacity for the nation.

The Real Estate Agent licensing Program is now under the authority of Ministry of Justice. Penalties for Religous sacrlileges in Fiji should now be more stringent.
Also an opportunity for Government
to live up to their international obligations of human rights.

Club Em Designs

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Total Ecclipse of Fiji Politics.

The expresion of interests by overseas cell phone companies has been delivered.

It is now, prudent of the Fiji Government to dismantle these monopolies.

Fiji Mercernaries in a company called Ronin High Risks is receiving alot of flak for work in PNG controlled island of Bouganvile.

Even the Fiji Methodist Church is on the war path in politics trying to blur the line between Church and State. Fiji Electoral Commission has unveiled some amendments to the Electoral Act. These new changes must also be communicated openly even to the rural dwellers in Fiji and overseas citizens.
This also raise the question of open information sourcing within the Fiji Civil Service itself.

It is only counter productive to have Government department turf battles done on the public's tab. When there are more pressing issue of concerns for Fiji like this complex problem of land.

Conservation of energy workshops is a nice way of extracting funds from Officials who lack the imagination and know how that accompanies their job description of their present positions. Fiji Media has been given a reminder of their obligations accompanying Freedom of Expression.

Two provocative letters from Fiji Times Letters to the Editor.

Mahogany deal

For the past three years, so much has been said about the mahogany deal but until today, the landowners are still not happy with what they received.

Just recently, the villagers of Naimasimasi, Savu and Sote put up a road block to signify their frustration over the unfulfilled promised made to them by the Fiji Hardwood Cooperation Limited. (FHCL).

The FHCL should always ensure that the commodity which occupied their land for a number of years, denying them the opportunity to farm for a long time.

Through observation, it is indeed unfortunate to witness that the poor landowners are caught in the economic and political web orchestrated by unscrupulous bureaucracy and red tape at the whim of big corporations and their local agents.

At first, the lands were given in good faith by the chiefs and their people, and it is the duty of the Government of the day to clarify to the landowners the economical gain and disadvantages.

The deal made to the mahogany landowners was symmetrical to the long- awaited Monasavu claim over their land compensation.

The President at that time was the late Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau, who mooted the motion to his tauvus of Monasavu, who accepted the idea through the normal Fijian traditional protocol.

However, the architect of the million dollar project failed to clarify to the landowners, what they will receive as monetary benefits.

A few weeks ago, the Monasavu landowners won their court case through their lawyer Isireli Fa for the compensation payment of $52.8million, of which 10 per cent will be paid to him.

If the Government was really honest and genuine at heart in the development of Fijian resources, not much would have been paid to their lawyer as legal fees.

On the other end, the NLTB failed miserably to fulfil its obligation as custodian of all Fijian land as stipulated in the NLTB Act.

The Monasavu compensation claim is a precedent, which will agitate fellow resource owners to be more vigilant and prudent in the future.

The total area of the catchment is 25,075 acres. It contains Native Land crown schedule A and B, Forestry Reserve, as well as Native Reserve. Monasavu was vital to the nation.

It provides 80 per cent of Fiji's power, yet the landowners were deprived of the actual compensation for a long time.

As for the mahogany landowners there is a clear resemblance that their case is another Monasavu in the making.

The Fiji Hardwood Corporation Ltd, by pursuing their own end and greedy motive, are confined to pushing this frustrated people to demand for greater payment for the use of their land.

FHCL executives should also realise that time and tide are changing fast and the young educated landowners are taking over from their elders and it will be a new transition to the investors on the negotiation table.

The coup of 1987 and 2000 has tarnished the image of the Fijian people to be more cautious and prudent over their godly given received in the guise of economic development.

The Fijian landowners are always good at heart, and investors should always be honest and fair while negotiating with them.

After six weeks of hard work, some women and youths of Savu and Sote are not paid and have to wait for three more weeks despite the number of requests made to them.

The FHCL allowed Jale Baba to operate the banned circular saw in Kasavu and the recruiting of the people from outside to work as casual labourers while the landowners were given contract jobs.

Please FHCL executives, do not forget that the Mahogany landowners are people like you, who have university degrees.

They think globally but act locally.

Evarama Rokodrava

Smoke and Mirrors

Listening to the SDL budget I wondered if money allocated really will be spent or if it will be like other things around here just smoke mirrors.

For instance, two years ago we had a brand new dental clinic built here at Navatumali (Keiyasi) at a cost of $170,000 but it still stands unused, no dentists we are told but several months ago we read that government has no vacancies to employ unemployed dentists.

Smoke and mirrors, you see.

Despite past promises, our valley road, a major artery of Fiji's fresh produce, remains a bone-jarring disgrace that quickly destroys our trucks and bruises us and our produce.

The FEA was rapidly progressing up the valley until Cyclone Ami struck and the funds were diverted. But we had been told this was all European Union development funds.

How is it that EU funds could be diverted to hurricane relief?

More smoke and mirrors?

When asked about these issues the PM told us on his last visit that he would "look at it.''

We were fobbed off.

New Guinea is building a $20million project to process cassava into fuel, instead all we Fijians get is a $20million doll's house for chiefs.

There is also no talk of including cassava (which we Fijians grow) into the new biofuel project.

The SDL said all Fijians support the Unity Bill, but no one asked us.

The only people who did speak to us are the army whose stand we support.

I can name other beekeeping and farm assistance schemes that never eventuated but are more examples of SDL's smoke and mirrors.

Fortunately we have elections coming and politicians had better have some positive plans on roads, FEA, school conditions, expensive telephones and cassava biofuel otherwise we will send them a stronger message.

We want no more "we will look at it'' smoke and mirrors.

Anei Bale

Club Em Designs

Monday, November 14, 2005

Twisted logic by Planners in Fiji Government.

Fiji Labour Party unleashes criticisms at State owned companies that enjoy monopoly status at the expense at free enterprise.

Chaudary reminds Fiji Voters on the real bleak house brought about by flawed policies by Qarase's Government.

Commerce Commission is finding their form by forcing these same telecommunications companies to lower their rates.

Club Em Designs

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Rippling Incompetance in Management.

Suspension of Fiji Immigration Director has unravelled another can of worms for the Fiji Government.
The issue of Business community in Fiji being social responsible is a well used rhetoric seldom
applied in reality.
The Election Supervisor receives the full brunt of accusations by Political parties, especially in the eve
of Fiji's 2006 General Elections. It is prudent to have the incumbent, well versed in giving respectable excuses.

Fiji National Provident Fund's investment Company needs a closer look by independent experts, to ensure no number-fudging is being done.
COLA award to Public Service Unions has forced the Cabinet to react.
After the national summit in Education held recently in Fiji, changes to the curriculum is still outstanding. It sums up the general lack of Political will to resolve the digital divide in Fiji.

Club Em Designs

Friday, November 11, 2005

Re-cycling Stupidity in Fiji Government.

Fiji National Provident Fund is now under threat to become the Government's piggy bank. Even though the Fiji Government is looking for funds it does not have a problem donating much needed money for Hurricane Relief.
Fiji Times Editorial also slams the dichotomy of appeasement ingrained in Fiji Government, that over rides individual's decision making to suck up to V.I.P's.

Vodaphone Fiji finalises 3G network with Ericcson, the Scandanavian powerhouse of cellphones. This affiliation does not
diminish the need to remove the monopoly in the telecommunications industry. Another disapointed landowning unit, only underscores the incompetance of Native Lands Trust Board, who are more
for their bottom line than their obligations of landowners.

Rural school in Fiji;s tourism belt are blessed with I.T donation.

Club Em Designs

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Stratification of Class Warfare in Fiji Governance.

Fiji has now been offered places at West Point Military Academy, a mile stone in Fiji-America friendship.

Human Rights has now getting financial backing it deserves in Fiji.
Whether or not the Fiji Government of the day, respects those laws is another matter.

The re-naming of Suva Hospital Ward gets stiff reaction from the Southern sons of Kadavu.

Club Em Designs

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Echo chamber of Yes-Men in Fiji Governance.

Methodist Church of Fiji's proposed protest march against the Gay community has not received clearance.

Fiji Institute of Technology should be commended by Government by introducing classes for Dramatic Arts.

The proposed Media Broadcast Bill must have adequate provisions for local content in programs produced by them.

Fiji Police Commissioner has transformed the entity into a modern organization.
The proposed Terrorism Bill for Fiji must be open for discussion. Ignoring the public's input will have the same consequences that British P.M Tony Blair had with his own Terrorism Legislations, that were over ruled by Members of Parliament.

The chained growth in Fiji's rural areas is failure of imagination of all planners, despite the theoretical Millenium Goals touted by the distant U.N.
This re-occuring mistakes by decision makers in Fiji has created the catalyst for skilled migration from Fiji, especially in Nurses.

Fiji International Communications provider has employee relations problems.

Club Em Designs

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Riding the crest of laziness in Fiji.

Fiji civil service are reacting to reports of under performance by establishing health policies for employees.
Native Lands Trust Board won't challenge F.E.A court ruling to award payments to landowners.

Money laundering has reached alarming levels in Fiji says Ministry of Justice. Comunications Fiji Ltd, Fiji's leading Radio
Station company has reached another milestone of success.
Stuck in Fiji Mud hopes that this company, will invest more money in developing local talent, rather than importing Music that adds to Fiji's trade imbalance.

Club Em Designs

Too many Legal loop-holes in Fiji Laws.

Director of Public Prosecutions should just get on with lodging indictments rather than commenting in the media.
After wasting public funds on consultants, the whole plan crumbles due to lack of consultations by Fiji Government.

Fiji Minister of Public Enterprise acknowledges reform is too slow in Fiji Civil service.

Racial criteria for Affirmative Action in school assistance is counter-productive to Fiji's future. Probably why the Fiji Governement economic indicators
are over-inflated due to Qarase's political grandstanding.

Stuck in Fiji Mud, echos this sentiment of unbalanced policies.
This has forced Village chiefs to raise revenue by penalizing laziness in his village.
Resort owner invests money in training resource owner village dwellers. An initiative that is the true gauge
of social entrepeneurship.

Club Em Designs

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Fiji Government - Running around in circles.

The rot within Fiji Agricultural department still lingers in the
form of farm implements in a vote buying scheme. Despite the new projects outlined, the same people will be the cause of faults.

Fiji Electricity Authority gives up Appeal for loss in Supreme Court ruling.
Catholic Diocese in Fiji calls for the end of racial hate in Fiji.
Tax Department in Fiji are worried about being Short changed by the black market.

Fiji Methodist Church's campaign march against Gays is discrmination says Fiji Judge.

Club Em Designs

Saturday, November 05, 2005

White Elephant policies in Fiji National Budget 2006.

2006 Fiji Budget fails to include Cost of Living Adjustment for Union demands. White Goods Tax will be transfered to the Fiji consumers say Retailers.

Fiji maritime logistics requires a radical shift to free enterprise.

Qarase wants a more efficient
Civil service, but is unable to swallow the pill of renouncing cultural appeasement to Native instruments who are the most guilty of under performing.

I.T professionals decry announced tax incentives for Information Technology and Communications sectors that only benefit monolithic commercial beasts. The reality of best standard practises that catches Fiji Tax Department in the state debt, despite the know how in accounting.

The same kind of embarassment in Fiji Customs Authority has serious implications and only underlines the depth of corruption in Fiji, due to the lack of disposable income.

Club Em Designs

Friday, November 04, 2005

No Money, No Funny in Fiji.

New Bed tax in Fiji National 2006 Budget angers Hotel Owners association.

European Union pumps $F44 million into Fiji Education.

Fiji Labour Party stalwart, Messr Krishna Dutt says removal of VAT was an election ploy.

In any case, the poorer segment of Fiji are
certainly celebrating the removal of Value Added Tax (VAT) on essential items.
Fijian Affairs Board claims 1300 new scholarships in new provisions in the budget.

This archaic department of Native affairs, should be more concerned about the embarassment of the Monasavu debacle and their hand in creating a flawed affirmative action policies that gets a big chunk of public funds without oversight.
At the expense of developing a cohesive approach for all citizens in Fiji

Fiji's most successful business man Hari Punja says the 2006 Budget is excellent, however fiscal conservatism is required by all of Fiji Government policies.

Club Em Designs

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Different strokes for different folks in Fiji Governance

Tebutte Polls Inc touts it's capabilities in surveying Fiji public's view of Politicians.

How about a survey on the Fiji public view on the
Digital Divide in Fiji or services provided by Government, to justify the S.D.L Governmental policies of division. Now Fiji P.M Qarase is
learning about the assistance, the nation of Fiji can gain from Indian Government.

Unfortunately it's corruption laced cases, like the
Local Governments like Suva City Council
need oversight mechanisms by public groups to scrutnize
money transfers like this incident. As well as non-performing Government agencies, Which adds to the national debt levels and only deters potential foreign investors due to lack of
in the Fiji's unstable huge debt created by the political and economic arena.
Monasavu landmark ruling attracts all claimants. Like greed, that is harmful human behavior.

Club Em Designs

Dual standards for dual segments in Fiji society.

Fiji Elections 2006 preparations are underway says Electoral Commission and adds this one is a real test of democracy.
Fiji Employers Federation want tax reflief, take a number and get in line says Government officials.

Monasavu landmark case has reverberations in future land deals by Government. As well as in transparent deliberations for
the reverting traditional Fishing boundaries proposed to be managed by mataqali or family units.

Rare Seaweed found of the coast of Kadavu may offer some bio-chemical compounds that act as a counterweight against H.I.V and establishing this new cooperation between Georgia Institute of Technology and Fiji.

High fuel prices in Fiji has forced some officials to consider hybrid vehicles in Fiji. Manufacturing industry has never
been capitilized by indigenous Fijians until now. The qualities of entrepeneurial mindset shown by
this enterprising Taukei says it all hinges in the planning phase.

Fiji civil service reforms have been commented on STUCK IN FIJI MUD for awhile. It is only
fair to give their official's perpsective on the situation covered in this Fiji Island Business article on
Performance based renumeration policies.

Fiji export track record is getting more attention by Fiji Government after comments by Reserve Bank Chairman recently.
Despite the litany of export awards which has not dented the statistics much.
Club Em Designs

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Chickens come home to roost for Fiji Electricity Authority.

Monasavu Landowner's lawyer castigates critics and urges Fiji landowners to take their grieviances to Court, highlighting the empowerment that the knowledge of law can bring to rural dwellers who have been dis-enfranchised by the very institutions that have state authority over native lands.

Other Fijian provinces have now adopted capitalism with much enthusiasm exceeding other Government affirmative action programs or pseudo voter-buying schemes which are artificially geared to maintain the social status of the untalented Fijian Aristocracy.

The public funds wasted on propping up these native instruments should be re-directed to state capital projects or human empowerment programs that benefits all segments in Fiji society. Not the chosen few!

Fijians living in low-income projects, that are due to be demolished will NOT be evicted claims Housing and Squatter Resettlement Ministry. But will the demolishment still take place?
It is about time that a demarcation between Disease control and the treatment of patients, administration of Government Hospitals which is the primary mission of the Ministry of Health.

It is only logical to have the Government fund a specialised Unit of scientists in Fiji that researches Communicable Diseases, especially in light of the Bird- Flu threat.

Club Em Designs