Wednesday, June 30, 2021

X-Post: Fiji Institute of Accounts budget submission: an example of the well-off attacking the poor.

Cross-posted from Croz.


Rarely have class interests been so blatantly exposed in Fiji as in the Fiji Institute of Accountants' current budget submission in which they call for an increase in VAT (value-added tax) from 10 to 15%, the removal of family care leave and a reduction in the pay of civil servants.

 Across-the-board taxes on food and other FTUC leader Felix Anthony Rarely have class interests been so blatantly exposed in Fiji as in the Fiji Institute of Accountants' current budget submission in which they call for an increase in VAT (value-added tax) from 10 to 15%, the removal of family care leave and a reduction in the pay of civil servants. 

 Across-the-board taxes on food and other essential items always affect the poor and those on low incomes more than the well-off because such items comprise a much higher proportion of their income. Their other submissions also impact more heavily on lower-paid workers.

 A truly Fiji First government should expose the FIA's submission for what it, and dismiss it without consideration. Trade Union leader Felix Anthony (read the original article for his views) thinks the submission untimely because the country is suffering the effects of the Covid-19 virus. Any time is untimely for such class-biased submissions. -- ACW