Signifying that traditional Fijian ( Taukei) verbal contracts are valid and legally binding under Fiji's law.
New legislation on regulating Real Estate agents and Consumer Credit in Fiji is another milestone in positive progress in Fiji. Ensuring equal and open economy that is absent of cronyism is perhaps the biggest barrier to these new laws without an enforcement agencies other than the Fiji Police.

Chiefly office holder disputes places the spotlight on the authorities and their hidden agendas carefully camouflaged in their flawed decision making abilities.
This archaic governance framework of Native Instruments are not transparent and often use culture to create more bureacracy in Government like this proposed concept of a Fijian Court System raised by Fiji's crooked Attorney General, Qoroniasi Bale.

Another contentious issue is the reverting back of native fishing grounds to the indigenous guardians; which will have to negotiated in an open forum.
Fiji Chamber of Commerce President has already raised the issue of Fiji traditions being a stumbling block to progress.

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