Thursday, December 28, 2006

Lines and Limits.

The parameters of the National Audit in Fiji has received much attention and curiosity. Very little curiosity was satisfied, leaving more outstanding questions than answers with readers of this Fiji Times article.

It is understood that more answers to posing questions of corruption can be answered when the notorious fraudster, is willing to shed more light as described by this Fiji Times article into his acquaitances with certain SDL Ministers, as well as some insight into the 2006 Election rigging allegations.

Fiji Affairs Board former C.E.O is reported to have been taken for questioning by the Army, in this Fiji Times article. Perhaps an occasion for a friendly reminder, of her employment status within the machinery of Fiji Government.
Although, the Great Council of Chief's (GCC)Chairman had safely navigated themselves into a corner by his attempt to rescind the Military issued order of employment termination for the FAB CEO, using his authority as Chairperson; the GCC Chairman ignored a niggling fact that, the incumbent of FAB CEO is an employee of the state and not the GCC secretariat . This confusion of powers may underscore the polluted ideals along with contaminated interests, between those of the state and that of GCC.

This question of demarcation between the state and the GCC, represents a legal question that will be raised time and again, along with the relevance of aristocratic influence. Both questions could be solved using alternative models of Government. Those very ideas of alternatives, to the West Minister system of Governance was floated by Fiji Chamber of Commerce President as covered by this Fiji Times article. It is unclear whether the interim Government has even considered such maneuvers, however those alternative models may well be an option that, won't be taken off the table by the Fiji Military Council anytime soon.

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